17AQUADA-GO – New dronetechnology uses ArtificialIntelligence to examine offshorewind turbine blades18Amazon tests two-legged,mobile robots21Connect Tech will show itsrugged artificial intelligence(AI)-enabled solutions for bothcrewed and uncrewedplatforms at the upcomingAssociation of the United StatesArmy (AUSA) 22LiDAR360 V7 Version Released!Unlease the value of date!29AI drones to help farmers optimizevegetable yields31UOW research to explore AI forflood mitigation in Indonesia32ADLINK Technology Receives 2023IoT Edge Computing ExcellenceAward from IoT Evolution World37Disaster Risk & AssessmentOperations Creating HugeOpportunity for Drone Industry33Eni Awards 2023: Eni’s scientificresearch prizes awarded in thepresence of the President of theRepublicFEATURE STORY23SoftServe launches new workersafety solution powered by SASanalytics to reduce workplaceinjuries in real-time24Ivanti Unveils New Capabilitiesfor Ivanti Neurons Platform toContinue to Enable Customersto Optimize IT and Harden theirSecurity Posture25Silicon Volley: Designers TapGenerative AI for a Chip Assist27Launch of SensorFusionAI38Artificial intelligence confirms:AT&S has the highest reputation inAustria’s industry41Artificial Intelligence and MachineLearning (AI/ML)-Enabled MedicalDevices44High-Efficiency Hybrid DroneEngines for Commercial UAVs41Machine Learning Can Help DetectCEO Lies And Thwart CorporateFraudPRODUCT COMMUNIQUE45DroneShield releases DroneSentry-X Mk2 for Multi-Mission Counter-UAS Applications45Full-display meter installed forMazda Motor Corporation’s CX-90D R O N ES T R YX - M K 24527S E N S OR F U SI O N A I
Publisher'sNoteThis has been a transformative year for the industrial sector, marked by resilience,adaptability, and innovation. The challenges posed by global events have sparked awave of change, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Industries across Asiahave demonstrated remarkable agility in navigating uncertainties, embracingtechnological advancements, and redefining operational paradigms. As we reflect onthese shifts, I am inspired by the collective strength of our community and the strideswe've taken toward a more sustainable and interconnected industrial landscape.Thank you for being an integral part of this journey. Your readership has beeninstrumental in shaping Industrial Guide Asia, and we are committed to bringing youeven more insightful content in the coming year. Wishing you a joyous Deepavali, aMerry Christmas, and a Happy New Year filled with prosperity, growth, and continuedsuccess.Dear Readers,As the festive season approaches, withthe glow of Deepavali leading the way,followed by the joyous celebrations ofChristmas and the anticipation of a NewYear, we extend our heartfelt gratitudeto each one of you for your unwaveringsupport throughout the year.Warm Regards,Team Industrial Guide Asia
THALES AND BERTIN CONSOLIDATE THEIR PARTNERSHIP IN CBRNDEFENCE WITH SUCCESSFUL TESTS OF BIOLOGICAL SAMPLINGAND IDENTIFICATION FOR THE PIABC PELICAN PROJECTINSIGHT OUTGovernment trials were conductedover two weeks to assess thebiological sampling and identificationcapabilities of the PIABC* PELICAN**platform as part of an advanced studyproject financed and managed byFrance's Defence Innovation Agencyand the NBC management unit (UMNBC) at the French defenceprocurement agency (DGA).Led by the French defenceprocurement agency's CBRN testingestablishment (DGA Maîtrise NRBC),the trials were conducted by the 2ndDragoon Regiment of the French Armystationed at Fontevraud and the CBRNintervention unit (UI NRBC) of theFrench Air and Space Force stationedat Cazaux, in the presence ofrepresentatives of the French Army’sTechnical Section (STAT), senior stafffrom the nuclear security and CBRNunit at Cazaux, and industry partners.The trials included:• sampling with the COLIBRI systemdeveloped by Bertin• sample unpacking and processingin the BAG isolator developed byEuroBioConcept• sample preparation in the SAULEILsystem developed by Thales• transfer via the SPOT systemdeveloped by Bertin• identification with the GENEXPERTsystem provided by Bertin.PAGE1Addictive ManufacturingThe tests marked a significant milestone in theproject, after four years of development, integrationand industrial validation in close partnership withthe Defence Innovation Agency and theprocurement agency's UM NBC and Maîtrise NRBCunits, and built on extensive feedback from thearmed forced during equipment presentations andtechnical meetings.The operation effectively validated thedevelopments completed so far on the PIABCproject and the level of maturity of the technologiesinvolved. It underscored the value of the partnershipbetween Thales and Bertin in the CBRN field, andconfirmed Thales's role as a systems architect forcivil and military CBRN defence systems.Participants reiterated their interest in the latestsystem innovations, which were conclusively testedover the two-week campaign. The biologicalsampling and identification trials provided a goldenopportunity for all the specialists involved to sharetheir vision of the CBRN solutions of the future andgather feedback from all the parties involved.
As the world recovers from the pandemic, companiesare acknowledging adaptability as a critical attributefor resilience and growth. Partnerships and theadoption of emerging technologies offer effectivesolutions to overcome various challenges, includinggeopolitical factors, supply chain restructuring,economic inflation, and labor shortages. Byleveraging these strategies, businesses can achieveproduction stability, foster operational growth, andcapitalize on emerging opportunities. ADLINK's extensive experience in cross-borderindustries has resulted in a deep understanding of therelated pain points, ever-changing market dynamicsand the importance of ecosystem management. Bycreating the ADLINK EdgeOpen™ co-creation businessplatform that allows global partners from variousindustries to connect and share ideas, a moredynamic and collaborative ecosystem is allowed totake form. In April, ADLINK held a three-day event, theEdgeOpen™ Consortium, that united 150+ globalindustry experts, decision-makers, and ecosystempartners to explore the potential for co-creation inleveraging cutting-edge technological trends andgenerating significant business value.2ADLINK EDGEOPEN™ TEAMS UP WITHINDUSTRY PARTNERS TO DRIVEOPPORTUNITIES FOR EDGE COMPUTINGINSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingEMPOWERING THE VALUE SUPPLY CHAIN AND REDUCING TCOADLINK'S EDGEOPEN™ 3C VALUES FORGEALLIANCES WITHIN THE ECOSYSTEM TOACCELERATE THE EXPLORATION OFBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESADLINK's Chairman and CEO, Jim Liu,emphasizes, "In times of continuousmarket fluctuations, businesses shouldproactively confront uncertainty."ADLINK has developed the EdgeOpen™co-creation business platform toshare the advantages of collaborationand industry value chainconsolidation, helping partnersenhance business resilience andaccelerate operational growth. ADLINK empowers its ecosystempartners with value through threekey areas: Consolidation,Collaboration, and Co-creation.These pillars serve as the foundationfor tackling challenges and fosteringsustainable growth.
Consolidation: ADLINK excels in consolidation byseamlessly integrating complex technologyarchitectures into versatile module-readyapplications (Module Ready), system platforms(System Ready), and design & manufacturingservices (DMS+). This integration, combined withstrategic partnerships with domain-focusedsolution integrators (DFSI) and independentsoftware vendors (ISV)s, results in a diverse range ofvertical industry application solutions (SolutionReady). By leveraging this collaborative approach,ADLINK enhances supply chain efficiency, reducestotal cost of ownership (TCO), enhances the valuechain, corporate competitiveness, and ultimatelydelivers better market services. Collaboration: ADLINK partners closely with industryleaders to address diverse customer challengesacross vertical domains. ADLINK sets an exemplarymodel of collaboration by seamlessly integratingintricate supply chains in partnership withtechnology-leading brands. This enables ISVs tofocus on software development, while DFSIsintegrate industry knowledge, simplifying hardwareselection. With ADLINK's comprehensive productportfolio, advanced solutions and global marketingresources, businesses can rapidly expand theirsales and locally provide comprehensive technicalcustomer service and real-time engagements toend customers and partners. Co-creation: ADLINK has a vast network of partnersacross the whole supply chain. Through integratedtechnologies, ADLINK continually expands its rangeof solutions in diverse fields such as private 5G(P5G), autonomous mobile robots (AMR),automation, smart manufacturing, smarthealthcare, and autonomous driving. By deepeningstrategic partnerships with industry-leadingtechnology providers, ADLINK and its ecosystempartners can venture into new and excitingapplication areas, creating new businessopportunities together.3INSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingOver the past 20 years, ADLINK hasworked together with renownedtechnology brands including AUO, Intel,NVIDIA, Arm, Qualcomm Technologies,Inc., NXP, and MediaTek, and focused onexpanding three key areas: edgecomputing, edge AI, and edgevisualization. ADLINK has made significant strides thisyear in key partnerships andcollaborations. Together with NVIDIA, theyhave been promoting Pocket AI, aportable GPU accelerator that enhancesprofessional graphics applications and isof great benefit to AI developers.Additionally, ADLINK, in collaboration withFoxconn, has established the FARobotjoint venture, driving the development ofthe Swarm Autonomy solution andtapping into the intelligent robotics trend.Furthermore, ADLINK’s spinoff company,ZettaScale Technology, has received astrategic investment from TTTech Autoand launched Zetta Auto - a game-changing solution for in-vehicle and V2Xcommunication. Combining TTTechAuto's expertise in the automotiveindustry and ZettaScale's techknowledge, this collaboration will createthe next big innovation for software-defined vehicles. These diversepartnerships enable ADLINK to supportecosystem partners in various markets,including smart factories, networking,AMR, smart healthcare, autonomousdriving, and smart cockpits.As the intelligent edge ecosystemcontinually evolves, ADLINK andits strategic partners remaindedicated to embracing aninnovative future together.
4UNITED GRINDING OPENS A SUBSIDIARY IN SOUTHEAST ASIAINSIGHT OUTThe UNITED GRINDING Group has beenpresent in the Southeast Asian regionfor many years throughrepresentatives and the WALTEREWAG Asia Pacific subsidiary. Now thespecialist for grinding, eroding, laser,and measuring machines bundlesand intensifies its activities in thisregion by founding a groupsubsidiary in Singapore, UnitedGrinding Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.PAGEAddictive Manufacturing"Southeast Asia is astrategically verycrucial region for us.Establishing a UNITEDGRINDING subsidiary isthe logical step tointensify our activities inthis region," explainsStephan Nell, CEO of theUNITED GRINDING Group.The potential is high,and the number ofcustomers iscontinuouslyincreasing. "Proximity toour customers hasalways been importantto us to ensure fast anduncomplicatedsupport," adds Nell. Theability to offer thegroup's bundledtechnology andapplication know-howfrom a single subsidiaryoffers customers manyadvantages.THE UNITED GRINDING GROUP HAS INTENSIFIED ITS SOUTHEAST ASIAN BUSINESS AND ESTABLISHED ITSOWN SUBSIDIARY IN SINGAPORE.Michael Schmid, CEO UNITEDGRINDING Asia PacificMichael Schmid, CEO ofthe new UNITEDGRINDING branch andalready responsible forthe Southeast Asianbusiness of the WALTERand EWAG brands formore than 20 years,adds: "We can bundlethe strength of ourpowerful team in thejoint group subsidiaryand serve ourcustomers even better.In the future, we will offerall three grouptechnologies, surfaceand profile grinding,cylindrical grinding, andtool machining, underone roof. I amconvinced that bundlingand intensifying ouractivities in this region isa win-win for all partiesinvolved".Stephan Nell, CEO UNITED GRINDING Group
5AI COPILOT ENHANCES HUMANPRECISION FOR SAFER AVIATIONImagine you're in an airplane with two pilots,one human and one computer. Both havetheir “hands” on the controllers, but they'realways looking out for different things. Ifthey're both paying attention to the samething, the human gets to steer. But if thehuman gets distracted or misses something,the computer quickly takes over.Meet the Air-Guardian, a system developedby researchers at the MIT Computer Scienceand Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).As modern pilots grapple with an onslaughtof information from multiple monitors,especially during critical moments, Air-Guardian acts as a proactive copilot; apartnership between human and machine,rooted in understanding attention.But how does it determine attention,exactly? For humans, it uses eye-tracking,and for the neural system, it relies onsomething called "saliency maps," whichpinpoint where attention is directed. Themaps serve as visual guides highlighting keyregions within an image, aiding in graspingand deciphering the behavior of intricatealgorithms. Air-Guardian identifies earlysigns of potential risks through theseattention markers, instead of onlyintervening during safety breaches liketraditional autopilot systems. INSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingDESIGNED TO ENSURE SAFER SKIES, “AIR-GUARDIAN” BLENDS HUMAN INTUITION WITHMACHINE PRECISION, CREATING A MORESYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PILOT ANDAIRCRAFT.The broader implications of this system reachbeyond aviation. Similar cooperative controlmechanisms could one day be used in cars,drones, and a wider spectrum of robotics."An exciting feature of our method is itsdifferentiability," says MIT CSAIL postdocLianhao Yin, a lead author on a new paperabout Air-Guardian. "Our cooperative layerand the entire end-to-end process can betrained. We specifically chose the causalcontinuous-depth neural network modelbecause of its dynamic features in mappingattention. Another unique aspect isadaptability. The Air-Guardian system isn'trigid; it can be adjusted based on thesituation's demands, ensuring a balancedpartnership between human and machine."In field tests, both the pilot and the systemmade decisions based on the same rawimages when navigating to the targetwaypoint. Air-Guardian’s success was gaugedbased on the cumulative rewards earnedduring flight and shorter path to the waypoint.The guardian reduced the risk level of flightsand increased the success rate of navigatingto target points. Image description: With Air-Guardian, a computer program cantrack where a human pilot is looking (using eye-trackingtechnology), so it can better understand what the pilot isfocusing on. This helps the computer make better decisions thatare in line with what the pilot is doing or intending to do.
6"This system represents theinnovative approach ofhuman-centric AI-enabledaviation," adds Ramin Hasani,MIT CSAIL research affiliate andinventor of liquid neuralnetworks. "Our use of liquidneural networks provides adynamic, adaptive approach,ensuring that the AI doesn'tmerely replace humanjudgment but complements it,leading to enhanced safetyand collaboration in the skies."The true strength of Air-Guardian is its foundationaltechnology. Using anoptimization-basedcooperative layer using visualattention from humans andmachine, and liquid closed-form continuous-time neuralnetworks (CfC) known for itsprowess in deciphering cause-and-effect relationships, itanalyzes incoming images forvital information.Complementing this is theVisualBackProp algorithm,which identifies the system'sfocal points within an image,ensuring clear understandingof its attention maps. For future mass adoption,there's a need to refine thehuman-machine interface. Feedback suggests anindicator, like a bar, might bemore intuitive to signify whenthe guardian system takescontrol.INSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingErna Viterbi Professor ofElectrical Engineering andComputer Science at MIT,director of CSAIL, and seniorauthor on the paper."One of the most interestingoutcomes of using a visualattention metric in this work isthe potential for allowingearlier interventions andgreater interpretability byhuman pilots," says StephanieGil, assistant professor ofcomputer science at HarvardUniversity, who was notinvolved in the work. "Thisshowcases a great example ofhow AI can be used to workwith a human, lowering thebarrier for achieving trust byusing natural communicationmechanisms between thehuman and the AI system."This research was partiallyfunded by the U.S. Air Force(USAF) Research Laboratory,the USAF Artificial IntelligenceAccelerator, the Boeing Co.,and the Office of NavalResearch. The findings don'tnecessarily reflect the views ofthe U.S. government or theUSAF.Air-Guardian heralds a newage of safer skies, offering areliable safety net for thosemoments when humanattention wavers."The Air-Guardian systemhighlights the synergybetween human expertiseand machine learning,furthering the objective ofusing machine learning toaugment pilots inchallenging scenarios andreduce operational errors,"says Daniela Rus, theAndrew (1956) and
Strategies for combining thepower of human talent withartificial intelligence andmachine learning as acybersecurity defense forcemultiplier will be shared bythe chief technologyevangelist for CompTIA, thenonprofit association for theinformation technologyindustry and workforce, atthis week’s 8th Annual CyberSouthwest Symposium.“Cybersecurity and ArtificialIntelligence: Back to theFuture,” the opening keynoteby Dr. James Stanger is setfor Nov. 2, 2023, at 9:45 a.m.MST.“It’s high time we get pastour collective wondermentand fear about generative AIand get real about the howto bolster our cybersecuritypresence with the additionof AI and machine learning,”Dr. Stanger said. “Forward-thinking organizations inmany industries aredeveloping methods forhumans and machines toform symbiotic, co-workingrelationships.”7AUGMENTING HUMAN CAPABILITIES WITH TECHNOLOGY TOSTRENGTHEN CYBER DEFENSES THE SUBJECT OF COMPTIAKEYNOTE AT 8TH ANNUAL CYBER SOUTHWEST SYMPOSIUMINSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive Manufacturing“We need to remember thatwe are, increasingly,directors and curators. Thisrealization will enable us toget real and use our newdata and informationsources wisely."The 8th Annual CyberSouthwest Symposium isThursday, November 2, 2023at the UA Tech Park EventsCenter in Tucson. Thesymposium brings togethergovernment and defenseindustry experts who willshare their knowledge andinsights on cyber threats,cyber defense, cyber riskmitigation, currentremediation strategies andrelated topics. Moreinformation is available atCyber SouthwestSymposium.DR. JAMES STANGER WILL DISCUSS PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF HOW ORGANIZATIONS MELD HUMANTALENT WITH AI ‘CO-WORKERS’Eliminating repetitivetasks. Using AI to quicklysift through gigabytes oflog files frees upcybersecurity analysts toidentify importantanomalies.Identifying trends. Aproperly trained machinelearning solution canidentify key elements of animage or words in a video,document or conversation,then identify anomaliesmost humans can’t find.Additional enforcement. Agood machine learningengine can provide“guardrail services,”identifying where an ITworker has made a choicethat created a bad userexperience or createdcybersecurity implicationsand suggest alternatives.Examples of how thisarrangement is changingcybersecurity practicesinclude:“Success will happen whenmachine learning fuels ourwork rather than determinesit,” Stanger said.
8Under the terms of the contract -- reportedto be $1.25 million -- HiddenLayer will installits flagship product HiddenLayer MLDR,Model Scanner, and Security AuditReporting as a cyberdefense tool againstthreats to the Air Force's AI and machinelearning (ML) assets. According to company information, theHiddenLayer MLDR tool uses an ML-basedapproach to analyze ML model events inreal time to identify malicious activitywithout requiring access to theorganization's ML models or sensitivetraining data.AI CONTRACT WITH U.S. AIRFORCE WILL SECURE SMARTSYSTEMSINSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive Manufacturing(DroneShield or the Company) ispleased to announce the addition of thelong-range RADA RPS-82 radarcapabilities to its flagship DroneSentrySystem, to serve its most demandingmulti-sensor customer deployments.RPS-82 provides DroneSentry operatorswith a significantly enhanced radardetection, classification and trackingrange for wide area, multi-missionrequirements. With DroneSentry’scompatibility with multiple radarplatforms, DroneShield can offer bothhigh-performance and cost-effectivesolutions to meet any customerrequirement and/or budget.RADA is internationally recognised asone of the leading counter-UAS radarsystem manufacturers, with a radarproduct family fielded widely by the USDoD and partner forces worldwide. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) SECURITYPROVIDER HIDDENLAYER ANNOUNCED ITSSELECTION BY AFWERX FOR A SMALL BUSINESSINNOVATION DIRECT-TO-PHASE II CONTRACTDRONESHIELD ADDS LONG-RANGE RADAR, ENHANCESTEST SITE\Image: Command container module deployed atDroneShield’s Blue Mountains test site, includingthe RPS-82 radar
9The RPS-82 was integratedinto the DroneSentry systemof sensors rapidly,leveraging the modular andopen architecture ofDroneSentry-C2,DroneShield’s enterprisecommon operating pictureplatform. The Company isoffering RADA RPS-82 radarswith its DroneSentrysolutions, available now toexisting and prospectivecustomers.Angus Bean, DroneShield’sCTO, commented“DroneShield is uniqueglobally, in being both asensor maker and anintegrator, developing andmanufacturing all of ourproducts, except for thehardware of radars andcameras, where we partnerwith best-in-breed specialistmanufacturers.Our command-and-controlDroneSentry-C2 system thenintelligently fuses the outputfrom various sensor typesthrough our proprietary SFAIsensorfusion module,producing an easy tounderstand situationalawareness and extensivereporting functionality.INSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingDroneShield’s radiofrequency sensors remain the single bestand core way of detecting drones. Where customer’sdeployment scenario and budget allow, multi-sensor detectionprovides a superior approach, when managed by an intelligentC2 software, that is able to fuse together large amounts ofsensor data and present the end user with an easy-to-understand situational awareness picture.”Alongside of integration of RPS-82, the Company hassignificantly upgraded its Blue Mountains remotely operatedfacility, to scale up and streamline the development andtesting of its platforms. This includes field lessons from real-world deployments including Ukraine and other environmentswhere drone threats have risen in prominence. The fullyequipped site will allow the team to shorten developmentcycles and deliver firmware updates to DroneShield’ssubscribed customer base more efficiently. The upgraded testfacility includes the integration of the RADA RPS-82 radarsystem, permanently installed onsite. The upgraded Blue Mountains facility complements theCompany’s existing Northern Virginia-based testing facility inthe U.S.Image: DroneShield DroneSentry-C2 command-and-control console,incorporate SFAI sensorfusion module
13CaptureTM Hong Kong, a leading serviceprovider of analogue media digitisation, ispleased to announce the appointment ofJason Law as the company's Chief ProductOfficer. This strategic hire comes asCapture.HK seeks to capitalise on therapidly expanding market opportunity withthe design and development of productand services which use AI and machinelearning. Capture projects that the HongKong market will require $250 million USD indigitisation services in the next ten years.A Visionary Leader in Product DevelopmentJason Law, Chief Product Officer atCapture.HK, is a product visionary known forhis strategic foresight and user-centricdesign principles. With a strong track recordin product development, Jason has focusedon attacked large markets where a newconsumer experience and technologycould solve scale issues.@MelloMoney tackling the global issue ofteaching 5-13 year old children how todevelop healthy financial habits.CAPTURE.HK EXPANDS TEAM WITH APPOINTMENT OF JASONLAW AS CHIEF PRODUCT OFFICER TO BUILD AI AND MACHINELEARNING BASED SERVICESINSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingPhoto Modernisation@Automate addressing the $7.7 billion USDinsurance industry in Hong Kong using appengagement and AI based bots to dramaticallyspeed up the insurance quotation process by3X and offering it 24/7."The only way to scale and to provide productsand services to delight customer is with the useof AI." Says Jason Law, Capture.HK Chief ProductOfficer. "My fascination as a designer is to buildproducts that can scale and showcase abrand's value. There is an opportunity in everyindustry to harness the Golden Age of AI that weare experiencing, especially in consumerservices."Capture.HK Products and the Use of AIWith Capture's AI technology, the beauty andnostalgia of old photographs are meticulouslypreserved for generations to come. Throughadvanced algorithms and machine learning,the AI system intelligently analyses andmodernises each image, effectively bringingfaded and yellowed photos back to presentday.A customer had previously digitised 25 photoalbums, digitising the photos into digital format.She was highly satisfied with Capture.HK'sservice and mentioned that the digitised photosby Capture.HK were of better quality than theoriginal ones.ACCELERATING HONG KONG’S $250 MILLION USD MARKET OPPORTUNITY IN DIGITISATION SERVICESWITH THE USE OF AI
14Photo Album Image Cropping -extracting the value from analbumFacial Recognition andOrganisationWith the use of machine learning,Capture.HK is now able to scan entirealbums in high quality and extractjust the most important parts of aphoto album. Customers can ofcourse manually remove each photoand scan them, but this is a time-consuming process that 95% ofcustomers will never do.Through a partnership with Google,one of the eminent AI and Cloudcompany in the world all ofCapture.HK's digitised photos andvideos are uploaded to GooglePhotos. Using AI, Google Photos willidentify organise collections based oncustomers' faces. This functionalityallows you to easily organise andsearch for photos based on thepeople present in them. FutureCapture.HK products are beingdeveloped to take advantage of thispowerful organisational tool.INSIGHT OUTPAGEAddictive ManufacturingPreserving Memories in the Digital Age withCapture.HKCapture.HK is dedicated to safeguarding cherishedmemories in the digital era. With a comprehensiverange of analogue media digitisation servicesincludes photo albums, photographs, videotapes,digital media, and slides. Since its launch in 2022,Capture.HK has successfully fulfilled 100's of orders,experiencing a remarkable growth rate of 139% inthe number of orders Q/Q. This growth is atestament to the trust and satisfaction of ourcustomers who have entrusted us with theirinvaluable memories."Jason's exceptional product vision will play acritical role in driving our AI product developmentefforts, ensuring that we continue to deliverinnovative solutions that meet the evolving needs ofour customers and enhance our operationalproductivity especially on photo album pre-cropping," says Michael Chang, CEO of Capture.HK.Capture.HK ensures that every analogue media isdigitised into high-quality digital format,safeguarding them from deterioration and loss. Ourteam of memory specialists will utilise AI technologyand advanced modernisation techniques to revivethe true essence of your memories.
16Enlighted’s Location Services - a Real TimeLocation System - tracks the location andmovement of assets and badges in buildings,using existing Enlighted intelligent lightinginfrastructures. With the introduction of AImachine-learning models, the accuracy offinding assets and personnel badges isimproved to greater than 98 percent,empowering businesses across industries tooptimize their operations and better controlinventory.High levels of accuracy are especially critical inhealthcare and manufacturing, whereunderstanding exact location is essential formany critical use cases. The enhanced systemreduces implementation costs dramatically viaexisting Bluetooth-enabled lighting controlsensors. These AI capabilities build on theexisting Enlighted Touchless Workplacesolution, an AI-driven mobile app which allowsoccupants to control workplace temperature.AI solutions Location Services (RTLS) andTouchless Workplace are part of the SiemensXcelerator Marketplace, an open digitalbusiness platform to accelerate digitaltransformation.SIEMENS’ COMPANYENLIGHTED ADDS POWERFULNEW AI CAPABILITIES FOR IOTIN BUILDINGSTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSPAGEAddictive ManufacturingTagnos, a healthcare solution provider,is leveraging Enlighted’s AI generatedRTLS location data as part of itsHealthcare Orchestration Platform, todrive patient care and asset trackingworkflows in hospitals.Zan Compute, a smart building systemsprovider, is using Enlighted’s occupancydata and their own AI analytics to guidenecessary cleaning activity, reducingbuilding cleaning costs, and improvingoccupant experience. “Sensors in smart buildings collect anenormous amount of data. AI-basedapplications are a transformative way forcommercial buildings to maximize and usethis data, optimizing efficiency whileimproving the occupant experience,” saidStefan Schwab, CEO of Enlighted. “Thesenew capabilities and partnershipsdemonstrate that Enlighted is continuouslyinnovating and expanding its offerings withthe most advanced technology.” The Addition of Two New AI Partners Enlighted has also expanded its partnerecosystem with participants who bring AIapplications, machine-learning tools andplatforms that extend the value from vastvolumes of Enlighted time-series IoTbuilding data.ENLIGHTED, A LEADING PROPERTY TECHNOLOGYCOMPANY OWNED BY SIEMENS, HAS ANNOUNCEDTHE EXPANDED USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)IN ITS LOCATION SERVICES SOLUTION, AND THEADDITION OF TWO NEW PARTNERS TO THEENLIGHTED AI PARTNER ECOSYSTEM.
17It’s sometimes hard to get an annual medicalcheck-up while you’re hard at work. While it’ssometimes the case for humans, it’s also no lessan issue for wind turbines. In response, RWE, DTUWind and Energy Systems and Quali Drone haveworked together to find a state-of-the-art, high-tech solution, combining new drone technologywith the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to inspectwind turbine blades at sea – while the blades arestill spinning.Most people experience the effects of time, andthis also applies to offshore wind turbines andtheir blades, which are increasingly critical to netzero and the health of the planet by generatinggreen electricity from the wind.Current practice is primarily for rotor blades to beinspected manually by crews sent out to offshorewind farms by vessel. The turbines have to bestopped during the inspection while thetechnician inspects the condition of the blade.This inevitably means the turbine has to spendsome time when unable to generate cleanenergy on behalf of the climate and the operator.The partners in the AQUADA-GO innovationproject are working on a new technology that canautomate the inspection of offshore wind turbineblades: RWE, one of the world's leading renewableenergy companies, has partnered withresearchers from DTU Wind and Energy Systems,the Danish start-up Quali Drone and EnergyCluster Denmark – the facilitator of the AQUADA-GO innovation project.AQUADA-GO – NEW DRONETECHNOLOGY USES ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE TO EXAMINEOFFSHORE WIND TURBINE BLADESPAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSNils Leseberg, CEO of RWE RenewablesDenmark, explains: “As a leading windfarm operator, RWE is constantly lookingfor new technologies and solutions thatcan increase the efficiency and safety ofour assets, and help us produce evenmore green electricity. We need to be ableto monitor the condition of rotor bladeswithout stopping the turbine and tocontinuously perform an advanced dataanalysis to better understand how toorganise the maintenance and repair ofour assets. AQUADA-GO is therefore animportant project that can simplify a widerange of processes and thereby increaseboth employee safety and the productionof green electricity. We are looking forwardto testing the innovative technology at theDanish offshore wind farm Rødsand 2.”Put a stop to turbine stopsAQUADA-GO has received funding fromthe Energy Technology Development andDemonstration Programme (EUDP) andruns until 2025. The partners have alreadydeveloped the algorithms that can helpthe drone identify any damage on thesurface of the blades, as well as potentialfractures beneath it. The drone is fittedwith a thermal camera that can scan thesubsurface layers for damage, which is notpossible through the current industrypractice of manual inspections.
“For us, the project isabout changing thewhole perception of howto inspect wind turbineblades. We expect thatartificial intelligence anddrones can prevent theneed for downtime of theturbines, by fullyautomating theinspection. This meansgreener energy for thebenefit of the climateand less ships withtechnicians needing tobe sent offshore. It’s acomplex task, but weexpect to solve it throughthis project, and weanticipate that thedemand for our conceptwill be very high,” saysJesper Smit, CEO of QualiDrone, the supplier of thedrone hardware in theinnovation researchproject.The next step is to testthe drone technology onland to prove that thedrones themselves canfollow the blades aroundas they rotate. Thetechnology will then betested offshore atRødsand 2 offshore windfarm, operated by RWEsince 2010 and locatedsouth of the DanishIsland of Lolland.18PAGEAddictive ManufacturingThe idea for the project originated at DTU Wind and EnergySystems, which has already published scientific articles on theso-called AQUADA technology. The GO in the project title hasbeen added as the partners are now ready to transfer the workfrom the lab at DTU into the environments in which the industryoperates.“We’ve already processed a lot of data from project partnersand will look at even more when we get the opportunity to testthe technology on real wind turbine blades. In this project, wedevelop cutting-edge deep learning algorithms and computervision technologies while utilizing our in-depth understanding ofblade damage based on thermal-mechanical modelling. Weexpect the project to make a huge difference to the industry; forexample, we will be able to save at least 50% of the cost ofinspections in the future. This will create significant carbonreductions for the wind industry’s inspection work and will alsogenerate business for the farm owners and Quali Drone, whichis commercialising the solution. We are proud to see that ourresearch can make a real difference, and we look forward tofurther innovation collaboration with the partners,” says XiaoChen, Associate Professor at DTU Wind and Energy Systemsand Technical Project Manager for the AQUADA-GOinnovation project.AQUADA-GO has a total budget of DKK 17 million and runs from2023 to End of 2025. The partners are RWE, DTU Wind and EnergySystems, Quali Drone and Energy Cluster Denmark, and theinnovation project has received DKK 7.3 million in funding fromthe Danish Energy Technology Development and DemonstrationProgramme (EUDP).TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSAMAZON TESTS TWO-LEGGED, MOBILEROBOTSENLIGHTED, A LEADING PROPERTY TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OWNEDBY SIEMENS, HAS ANNOUNCED THE EXPANDED USE OF ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE (AI) IN ITS LOCATION SERVICES SOLUTION, AND THEADDITION OF TWO NEW PARTNERS TO THE ENLIGHTED AI PARTNERECOSYSTEM.
19PAGEAddictive Manufacturing“Digit is designed from the groundup to go where people go and douseful work, safely, in spacesdesigned for people,” the releasestates, adding that initialapplications include bulk materialhandling within warehouses anddistribution centers. Digit isexpected to be generallyavailable in the market in 2025.Amazon emphasized the safetybenefits of using robots, notingthat company data indicatesrecordable incident rates andlost-time incidents fell 15% and18%, respectively, in 2022compared to the prior year. It alsonoted that it has created“hundreds of thousands ofrobotics systems while alsocreating hundreds of thousandsof new jobs within our operations.”Some are concerned aboutpeople losing their jobs to therobots. Stuart Richards, a unionorganizer in England at UK tradeunion GMB, called Amazon’sautomation a “head-first race tojob losses. We’ve already seenhundreds of jobs disappear to it infulfillment centers,” Richards said,according to a recent BBC report.But Damion Shelton, AgilityRobotics’ co-founder and CEO,said in a statement in release thatDigit would solve workplaceproblems like “injuries, burnout,high turnover and unfillable laborgaps, with the ultimate vision ofenabling humans to be morehuman.”TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSThe news comes as CFOs have struggled to navigate anunusually tight labor market. Hiring soared in Septemberby 336,000, exceeding predictions and validating recentsignals from Federal Reserve policymakers that they planto sustain high interest rates for a longer period thanforecast in June, CFO Dive previously reported.Amazon has accelerated its use of robotics and currentlyhas has over 750,000 robots working with its employees,according to the blog post. In 2022, the e-commerce anddelivery giant showcased a series of robot prototypes toimprove operational efficiency in its facilities. Proteus,Cardinal and Amazon Robotics Identification are some ofthe robotic innovations Amazon has deployed throughoutits supply chain.Separately, the company said it also launched a newrobotic system at one of the company’s fulfillment centersin Houston, Texas, which will help the company meetholiday demand. Known as Sequoia, “the system works byhaving mobile robots transport containerized inventorydirectly to a gantry, a tall frame with a platform supportingequipment that can either restock totes or send them to anemployee to pick out inventory that customers haveordered,” the company said.Last month Agility announced it is building amanufacturing plant in Salem, Oregon, which will be ableto produce more than 10,000 robots annually, according toan Agility release.
21Connect Tech -- an Ontario-based company that is partof the Heico Corp. -- plans to bring its rugged AI edgedevices including Polaris, Sentry-X, Anvil, and more to theshow.Attendees will be able to learn about the devices intendedfor use in such applilcations as augmented reality, facialand image recognition, and correction of atmosphericturbulence. CONNECT TECH WILL SHOW ITS RUGGED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE(AI)-ENABLED SOLUTIONS FOR BOTH CREWED AND UNCREWEDPLATFORMS AT THE UPCOMING ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITEDSTATES ARMY (AUSA) ANNUAL MEETING AND EXPOSITION 2023,SET TO BE HELD OCTOBER 9-11 IN WASHINGTON, D.C.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSAccording to the companyannouncement, its compactdevices can be easily carried ormounted onto a range of crewedand uncrewed vehicles, enablingreal-time decision making at thetactical edge.Its rugged devices are designedto meet standards including MIL-STD-810G for overall militaryruggedness, DO-160G for shockand vibration, and water/dustingress protection to IP68.AUSA showgoers may visitConnect Tech at Booth #3955.PANASONIC CONNECT ANNOUNCESKAIROS CORE 2000 NEW SERIES AT-KC2000S1Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd. today announced the Kairos Core 2000 (Main Frame) new series,AT-KC2000S1, one of the KAIROS IT/IP platforms for professional live-video production anddistribution. AT-KC2000S1 can support a flexible number of inputs and outputs to suit customers’video production, which is a feature of KAIROS, while ensuring ST 2022-7 redundancy, which isimportant for broadcasting and event distribution using a network. This eliminates the concernsof customers who broadcast or live stream events and sports using a network and supportsunlimited, more stable video productionENABLED REDUNDANT OPERATION WITH 4K 16 INPUTS/10 OUTPUTS
22Unlocking the Full Potential of Point Cloudswith LiDAR360 V7! As a market-leadingprofessional point cloud data processingand application software, the all-newLiDAR360 V7 can analyze and processmassive point cloud data, adapt to multipleplatforms and devices, and provide morethan 90 new functions to supportapplications across multiple industries.1. Solve equipment error, placement error,and trajectory error in one-click.LIDAR360 V7 VERSION RELEASED! UNLEASE THE VALUE OF DATE!PAGEAddictive Manufacturing4. Add vector attributes management and GISanalysis tools.5. Support mainstream aerial triangulationprojects to generate DOM.TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTS2. Optimize automatic data registrationfor multiple platforms, improving dataaggregation accuracy.3. Update vector editor module ,seamlessly aggregating CAD and GISdata. 6. Add drainage analysis function, aidingdrainage simulation.7. Add construction progress analysis to assistin construction progress monitoring.8. Add various terrain editing tools, such asautomatically detect elevation of vector data,flattening buildings/river base.Efficient and powerful, LiDAR360 V7 utilizes overten different types of internationally leadingpoint cloud algorithms, artificial intelligence,and machine learning to advance the utilizationof LiDAR throughout the industry. This releaseaims to resolve users' application challengeswhile unlocking the full potential of their pointcloud data. As a globally leading post-processing andindustry application software, LiDAR360 hassurpassed 120,000+ downloads worldwide andreceived clients, contractors, governments, aswell as tertiary and research institutions in over130 countries. We believe it will remain yourmost reliable partner.
23SoftServe, a premier IT consulting and digitalservices provider, today announced the launchof a new Worker Safety solution powered byadvanced analytics from SAS, the leader in AIand analytics. The new solution aims to uncoversafety gaps and identify potential risks toworkers in real-time, helping reduce workplaceinjuries and property damage.The end-to-end solution features SAS® Analyticsfor IoT, Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, andcomputer vision technology. It detects hazardsand anomalies facing industrial workers inmanufacturing, transportation, construction,logistics, and utilities.The real-time safety-monitoring solutionmitigates risks of falling, machine or electricaldangers, damage from missing personalprotective equipment (PPE), moving conveyorbelts or forklifts in confined spaces, and otherpotentially unsafe situations.The combination of big-data analytics, IoT-enabled sensors, and cameras helpsmanufacturers and industrial companiesoptimize employee safety across their facilitiesin real-time. The solution aggregates data fromacross the enterprise, analyzes the informationusing world-class AI and advanced analytics,and quickly identifies risks to worker safety.Over time, the historical data gathered by theSoftServe solution provides industrial leaderswith a strategic tool for making large-scalechanges to processes and operations forimproved worker safety.SOFTSERVE LAUNCHES NEW WORKER SAFETY SOLUTION POWEREDBY SAS ANALYTICS TO REDUCE WORKPLACE INJURIES IN REAL-TIMEPAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTS“Updated safety training and protocolsaren’t enough to match the high productiondemands, aggressive deadlines, orhazardous environments we see evolving asdaily operations become more complex,”said Guy Merritt, SoftServe’s VP ofManufacturing. "And no matter how muchoperations change, worker safety remains atop priority. It’s time that tools andcapabilities keep up. SoftServe’s new workersafety solution includes knowledge from ourextensive experience serving manufacturingand industrial organizations. Coupled withSAS’ world-leading AI and IoT analyticscapabilities and Intel’s Xeon scalableprocessors, this solution will enablemanufacturers to achieve new levels ofsafety and risk management.”The new Worker Safety solution alsoincludes a full suite of Project ManagementOffice (PMO), change management,security, support, and systems integrationtools. It can be managed by themanufacturing/industrial customer orprovided as a service by SoftServe.END-TO-END SOLUTION USES COMPUTER VISION TECHNOLOGY TO DETECT WORKPLACE HAZARDS ANDANOMALIES ACROSS INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS
24Worker Safety is a complete, end-to-end solution that augments rather than replaces acompany’s existing safety strategy and monitoring assets to deliver superior EnvironmentalSafety and Governance (ESG) outcomes.The result is a scalable, resilient, and customizable architecture that enables organizations tobetter address safety issues in their specific facilities and industry.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSIntegrated Vulnerability Prioritization andRemediation:Ivanti Neurons for RBVM and Ivanti Neuronsfor Patch Management have beenintegrated to automate the handoff of CVEsfrom security teams to IT ops. With this end-to-end vulnerability prioritization andpatching experience, customers can nowremediate vulnerabilities more quickly andeasily to better protect against cyber threats.This integration is enabled by a CVE to PatchGroup API which effectively allows IvantiNeurons for Patch Management to integratewith any product that can transmit a list ofCVEs via the API.In addition, Ivanti Neurons for PatchManagement now supports agent-basedmacOS device patching — no enrollment toa mobile device management (MDM)product is needed.The new capabilities for the Ivanti Neurons platforminclude the following:IVANTI UNVEILS NEW CAPABILITIES FOR IVANTI NEURONS PLATFORMTO CONTINUE TO ENABLE CUSTOMERS TO OPTIMIZE IT AND HARDENTHEIR SECURITY POSTUREIvanti, the tech company that elevatesand secures Everywhere Work, todayannounced the release of newcapabilities for the Ivanti Neuronsplatform to improve the digitalemployee experience, offer scalability tocustomers and enhance vulnerabilityprioritization and remediation. With thisrelease, Ivanti continues to deliver on itsmission to empower IT and Securityteams with a 360-degree view of theirentire IT estate – providing visibility,actionable insights and security.“We are dedicated to buildingtechnologies that enable a seamless,secure workplace for employees,” saidDr. Srinivas Mukkamala, Chief ProductOfficer, Ivanti. "By continuouslyextending capabilities for the IvantiNeurons platform, we help ensure thatcustomers have the best solutions tomanage, secure and service all theirdevices and networks to empower theirpeople. With the speed at which threatsare targeting the workplace,organizations need to have the rightsolutions to discover and remediatesecurity threats before threat actorshave a chance to exploit them.”
25PAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSNew Enterprise Service ManagementSolution PackagesBased on business needs andscalability, Ivanti is offering fourenterprise service managementsolution packages: ITSM Professional,ITSM Enterprise, ITSM Premium, andITSM Enterprise Premium.By choosing one of these servicemanagement solution packages,organizations are enabled to reducecosts, optimize service performance,and create a secure, agileenvironment that is ready for thefuture.New Actionable InsightsNew onboarding and dashboardexperience in Ivanti Neurons providesa clear view of devices, users andorganizational Digital ExperienceScores (DEX score) KPIs. Optimize ITefficiency and employee productivityby quickly viewing and drilling intodevice, people and enterprise-wideorganization DEX scores to betterunderstand issues and makeinformed decisions on how to bestremediate.New Secure Unified Endpoint Management(UEM) Solution PackagesDepending on endpoint managementneeds and maturity, organizations canchoose from three Secure UEM solutionpackages: Secure UEM Professional,Secure UEM Professional Plus and SecureUEM Premium.Organizations can determine whichpackage includes the capabilities thatbest suit their needs while gaining theability to scale as they grow. This helpsensure that no matter the location,endpoints are discoverable,manageable, secured, and healed.“Security technical professionals are beingoverrun by ordinary cybercrime, hacktivistattacks, and advanced, targeted attacks fromsophisticated adversaries,” said Eric Grenier,Director Analyst at Gartner®. “To defend againstthese attacks, organizations need to choosesolutions that include the right mix oftechniques and supported OSs and devices — amix that balances prevention with visibility,monitoring, detection and incident responsesupport.SILICON VOLLEY: DESIGNERS TAP GENERATIVE AI FOR A CHIP ASSISTSEMICONDUCTOR ENGINEERS SHOW HOW A SPECIALIZED INDUSTRY CAN CUSTOMIZE LARGE LANGUAGEMODELS TO GAIN AN EDGE USING NVIDIA NEMO.A research paper released today describes waysgenerative AI can assist one of the most complexengineering efforts: designing semiconductors.The work demonstrates how companies in highlyspecialized fields can train large language models(LLMs) on their internal data to build assistants thatincrease productivity.
26PAGEAddictive ManufacturingChipNeMo SurfacesThe paper details how NVIDIA engineers created fortheir internal use a custom LLM, called ChipNeMo,trained on the company’s internal data to generateand optimize software and assist human designers.Long term, engineers hope to apply generative AIto each stage of chip design, potentially reapingsignificant gains in overall productivity, said Ren,whose career spans more than 20 years in EDA.After surveying NVIDIA engineers for possible usecases, the research team chose three to start: achatbot, a code generator and an analysis tool.Initial Use CasesThe latter — a tool that automates the time-consuming tasks of maintaining updateddescriptions of known bugs — has been the mostwell-received so far.A prototype chatbot that responds to questionsabout GPU architecture and design helped manyengineers quickly find technical documents in earlytests.TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSFew pursuits are as challenging assemiconductor design. Under amicroscope, a state-of-the-art chiplike an NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPU(above) looks like a well-plannedmetropolis, built with tens of billions oftransistors, connected on streets10,000x thinner than a human hair.Multiple engineering teams coordinatefor as long as two years to constructone of these digital megacities.Some groups define the chip’s overallarchitecture, some craft and place avariety of ultra-small circuits, andothers test their work. Each job requiresspecialized methods, softwareprograms and computer languages.A Broad Vision for LLMs“I believe over time large languagemodels will help all the processes,across the board,” said Mark Ren, anNVIDIA Research director and leadauthor on the paper.Bill Dally, NVIDIA’s chief scientist,announced the paper today in akeynote at the InternationalConference on Computer-AidedDesign, an annual gathering ofhundreds of engineers working in thefield called electronic designautomation, or EDA.“This effort marks an important firststep in applying LLMs to the complexwork of designing semiconductors,”said Dally at the event in SanFrancisco. “It shows how even highlyspecialized fields can use their internaldata to train useful generative AImodels.”A code generator in development (demonstratedabove) already creates snippets of about 10-20lines of software in two specialized languages chipdesigners use. It will be integrated with existingtools, so engineers have a handy assistant fordesigns in progress.
27DroneShield Limited (ASX:DRO)(“DroneShield" or the “Company”) is pleasedto launch SensorFusionAI (SFAI), a sensor-agnostic, 3D data fusion engine for complexenvironments.Angus Bean, DroneShield’s CTO,commented “Detection of drones orUnmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is movingtowards multi-sensor approach for fixedsite (and in certain situations, vehicle andship systems) where the space and budgetallows for such approach, due to ability toprovide better detection results withmultiple sensor modalities, such asradiofrequency, radar, acoustic andcamera systems, either deployed in a singleor across multiple nodes.”“However the multi-sensor approach onlygenerates better results, with an intelligentsoftware engine to fuse together the sensoroutputs and give an intelligent set ofoutputs – otherwise adding more sensors iscounterproductive as it creates more datawithout a clear way to manage it.”DroneShield has developed a true AI-basedsensorfusion engine, initially for its ownDroneSentry-C2 command-and-controlsystem, including all common dronedetection modalities (RF, radar, acoustics,camera).LAUNCH OF SENSORFUSIONAIPAGEAddictive ManufacturingTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSThis separation enables third party C2manufacturers (including primes) to add SFAIto their C2 systems, on a subscription basis(SaaS), thus improving the performance.Oleg Vornik, DroneShield’s CEO, added“DroneShield seeks to be both the completesupplier of C-UAS solutions where possible, ora subcontractor where it makes sense. Therewill be numerous situations globally where thecustomer has an existing preference foranother C2 supplier, based on their existingrelationships or other requirements. ProvidingSFAI to such third party suppliers, maximisesour market share and further monetises the IPthat we have developed.”DRONESHIELD LAUNCHES SENSORFUSIONAI(SFAI), A SENSOR-AGNOSTIC, 3D DATA FUSIONENGINE FOR COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTSSystem intelligently builds a modelinformed by all inputs over timeConfidence values allow for soft sensitivityselection, reducing false positives or falsenegativesPrediction model can interpolate paths forconsistent tracking even with sparse dataAny incomplete or contradictory datamediated by comprehensive object modelAll sensor data fused into one consistentintelligence packetSFAI has significant advantages overtraditional multi-sensor C2 engines, wherebysystem sensors are utilised for their strengthswith their weaknesses offset by the strengthsof sensor types:
29For reasons of food security and economicincentive, farmers continuously seek to maximizetheir marketable crop yields. As plants growinconsistently, at the time of harvesting, there willinevitably be variations in quality and size ofindividual crops. Finding the optimal time toharvest is therefore a priority for farmers. A newapproach making heavy use of drones andartificial intelligence demonstrably improves thisestimation by carefully and accurately analyzingindividual crops to assess their likely growthcharacteristics.Some optimistic science fiction stories talk abouta post-scarcity future, where human needs arecatered for and hard labor is provided bymachines. There are some ways in which thisvision appears to predict some elements ofcurrent technological progress. One such area isin agricultural research, where automation hasbeen making an impact. For the first time,researchers, including those from the University ofTokyo, have demonstrated a largely automatedsystem to improve crop yields, which can benefitmany and may help pave the way for futuresystems that could one day harvest cropsdirectly.AI DRONES TO HELP FARMERSOPTIMIZE VEGETABLE YIELDSPAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORYAUTOMATED DRONES SUCCESSFULLY MONITORCROPS TO REPORT THE IDEAL TIME TO HARVEST“The idea is relatively simple, but thedesign, implementation and execution isextraordinarily complex,” said AssociateProfessor Wei Guo from the Laboratory ofField Phenomics. “If farmers know the idealtime to harvest crop fields, they can reducewaste, which is good for them, forconsumers and the environment. Butoptimum harvest times are not an easything to predict and ideally require detailedknowledge of each plant; such data wouldbe cost and time prohibitive if people wereemployed to collect it. This is where thedrones come in.”Drone-based pipeline. A visual overview of the system tocapture and analyze image data about crops, which theninforms a model to help farmers know the best time toharvest their fields. ©2023 Guo et al. CC-BYData visualization on aerial photos. The cost of humanlabor and time involved prohibits manual cataloging ofindividual plants in a field. Here, the catalog data collectedby the drones and produced by a deep learning system issuperimposed onto photos of the fields. ©2023 Guo et al.CC-BY
30“It might surprise some toknow that by harvesting afield as little as a daybefore or after the optimaltime could reduce thepotential income of thatfield for the farmer by 3.7%to as much as 20.4%,” saidGuo. “But with our system,drones identify andcatalog every plant in thefield, and their imagingdata feeds a model thatuses deep learning toproduce easy-to-understand visual datafor farmers. Given thecurrent relative low costsof drones and computers,a commercial version ofthis system should bewithin reach to manyfarmers.”PAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORYThe main challenge the teamfaced was in the imageanalysis and deep learningaspects. Collecting the imagedata itself is relatively trivial,but given the way plants movein the wind and how the lightchanges with time and theseasons, the image datacontains a lot of variation thatmachines often find hard tocompensate for. So, whentraining their system, the teamhad to invest a huge amount oftime labeling various aspectsof images the drones mightsee, in order to help the systemlearn to correctly identify whatit was seeing. The vast datathroughput was alsochallenging — image data wasoften of the order of trillions ofpixels, tens of thousands oftimes larger than even a high-end smartphone camera.Guo has a background inboth computer scienceand agricultural science,so is ideally suited tofinding ways cutting-edge hardware andsoftware could aidagriculture. He and histeam have demonstratedthat some low-costdrones with specializedsoftware can image andanalyze young plants —broccoli in the case ofthis study — andaccurately predict theirexpected growthcharacteristics. Thedrones carry out theimaging process multipletimes and do so withouthuman interaction,meaning the systemrequires little in terms oflabor costs.
31The University of Wollongong (UOW), inpartnership with Telkom University, Indonesiahas received funding to digitally transform themonitoring of seawater levels across three citiesin Central Java, bringing together leadingexperts in in artificial intelligence (AI), internet ofthings (IoT) and machine learning andenvironmental engineering from both countries,with far reaching impacts on the livelihoods ofresidents.Daily tidal flooding poses a significant threat tothe inhabitants of Central Java, Indonesia, withfar-reaching consequences for people and theenvironment. Located in a low-lying coastalregion, the cities of Pekalongan, Demak andSemarang are vulnerable to rising sea levelsand extreme weather events. In May 2022, thecities experienced tidal floods reaching from1.1m to 2m, causing 51 per cent of Pekalonganand many neighbourhoods of Semarang to besubmerged.The impact of tidal flooding is multifaceted. Itendangers the safety of residents, leading toproperty damage, displacement, and even lossof life. The recurrent flooding disrupts daily life,places additional strain on emergency servicesand infrastructure, with considerable damageto roads, buildings, homes, public facilities, anddrainage. UOW RESEARCH TO EXPLORE AI FOR FLOOD MITIGATION IN INDONESIAPAGEAddictive ManufacturingResidents of Pekalongan and Semarangexperience adverse health consequencesfrom the floods with moisture and mouldrelated illnesses such as diarrhea, denguefever, water fleas and skin and lungcomplaints on the rise.Tidal flooding has detrimental effects onthe region's economy and agriculture. Lossof productive land area has seriouslyaffected the livelihood of 5 million residentsacross the three cities.To mitigate the impact of tidal flooding, theIndonesian government has constructedseawalls, reservoirs, and massive pumpingstations designed to pump water throughthe seawalls when the tidal level in thereservoir exceeds a certain threshold.Controlling the pumps is currently amanual process. The lack of continuousmonitoring of sea levels and automation incontrolling the water pumps results in pooraccuracy, untimeliness, and low efficiencyin responding to tidal floods and mitigatingdamages.University of Wollongong AssociateProfessor Le Chung Tran will lead aninternational team of researchers to findsolutions to digitally transform monitoringof sea levels and floods waters to improvethe livelihoods of millions of people in theregion.INTERNATIONAL TEAM OF RESEARCHERS WILL INCORPORATE MACHINE LEARNING AND INTERNET-OF-THINGS INTO TIDAL FLOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS TO PROTECT LIVES AND INFRASTRUCTUREFEATURE STORY
32“This project will develop a cutting edge, fit-for-purpose, scalable and affordable solution for tidalflood monitoring. It will help mitigate tidal flood losses,increase income, retain and enhance the livelihood ofmany local people. The project will also create a largeshareable database for monitoring seawater and tidalfloods. The program will include training for Pemali-Juana River Basin Office (BBWS) staff so that they canfully operate, maintain and replicate the system atother locations over the long term.”The “Tide Eye” solution is an AI- driven system thatincorporates drone technology and artificialintelligence-of-things (the combination of artificialintelligence technologies and the internet of thingsinfrastructure.) The system will allow waterinfrastructure workers and residents in the three casecities to monitor seawater level and tidal flood risks inreal time. This information will allow workers to maketimely decisions to not only improve the efficiency oftheir flood mitigation infrastructure and reduce tidalflood impact, but also to partially prevent floods beforethey start.PAGEAddictive Manufacturing“The applications of the projectmay extend far beyond the currentscope – what we learn herethrough better tidal floodmonitoring and flood predictionmay result in better policies formangrove planting and coastlinemanagement, housing, land use,transport and fisheries.“In a world where climate changeis increasing the number andseverity of weather events,managing flood impact could be achallenge many countries musttackle. The outcomes of this projectwill be readily applicable to otherend-users around the world. Thesolutions born out of this study willprovide significant support for datadriven decision making regardingclimate change impactmitigations,” Professor Tran said.FEATURE STORYADLINK TECHNOLOGY RECEIVES 2023IOT EDGE COMPUTING EXCELLENCEAWARD FROM IOT EVOLUTION WORLDPIONEERING AI-DRIVEN ROBOTICS: ADLINK'S ROSCUBE-XRQX-59 SERIES TAKES THE SPOTLIGHTADLINK Technology Inc., a global leader inedge computing and Preferred Partner ofNVIDIA, announced today that theROScube-X RQX-59 Series has received a2023 IoT Edge Computing ExcellenceAward from IoT Evolution World, theleading website covering the Internet ofThings (IoT) marketplace.This award recognizes the companiesemerging as leaders in the growing edgecomputing space. Companies selectedfor this award have proven that theirproducts are enabling advanced IoTdeployments by offering edge solutionsthat bring real-time computing, dataavailability, analytics, AI and machinelearning to edge devices.
33"We are proud to receive the 2023 IoTEdge Computing Excellence Award fromIoT Evolution World for our ROScube-XRQX-59 Series. This recognitionunderscores our commitment toadvancing IoT deployments with cutting-edge solutions. The ROScube family is anincredibly versatile robotic controllercreated specifically for AI-driven robotics.It seamlessly integrates with ROS 2 and itsextensive ecosystem, making it ideal forAMR and autonomous driving solutions.The RQX-59 Series, equipped with NVIDIAJetson AGX Orin modules, can synchronizeframes from LiDAR and up to 8GMSL2/FPD-Link III cameras. Not tomention, it offers customized BSP andreadily available camera drivers tostreamline development for our valuedcustomers,” said Ethan Chen, GeneralManager of Edge Computing PlatformsBU, ADLINK Technology. “At ADLINK, weenvision leading edge computinginnovations and an AI-driven future. Thisaward reflects our team's hard work andinnovation, and we eagerly anticipatefurther contributions to the evolving IoTindustry.”PAGEAddictive Manufacturing“The solutions selected for the IoT Evolution EdgeComputing Excellence Award reflect innovationdriving the fast-growing Internet of Thingsmarketplace. It is my honor to congratulateADLINK Technology Inc. for their innovative workand contribution to this rapidly evolvingindustry,” said Carl Ford, Community Developer,IoT Evolution World. “It is my pleasure to recognize the ROScube-XRQX-59 Series, an innovative solution thatearned ADLINK Technology the 2023 IoT EvolutionEdge Computing Excellence Award,” said RichTehrani, CEO, TMC, co-publishers of IoT Evolution.“I look forward to seeing more innovation fromADLINK Technology in the future.”FEATURE STORYENI AWARDS 2023: ENI’S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PRIZESAWARDED IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC‘ENI JOULE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP’ SPECIAL MENTION ALSO AWARDED TO HONOUR THE BESTINNOVATIVE AND SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS IDEAS.The Eni Awards ceremony was held todayat Palazzo del Quirinale in the presence ofthe President of the Republic SergioMattarella, Eni’s Chairman of the Board ofDirectors Giuseppe Zafarana and Eni’sCEO Claudio Descalzi.Now in its fifteenth year, the prize is considered aninternational benchmark for research in energy andenvironment. It is testament to the importance ofscientific research and innovation and Eni’scommitment to foster sustainability and energyaccess, in accordance with the United NationsSustainable Development Goals.
34The Energy Transition Award, dedicatedto research on energy efficiency as wellas carbon capture, utilization andstorage, was given ex aequo to Yu Huang,from the University of California (LosAngeles, USA), for research on affordable,sustainable hydrogen fuel cells fortransport decarbonization, and Jeffrey R.Long, from the University of California(Berkeley, USA), for research oncooperative adsorption in MOF materialsfor gas capture.Over 11,000 applications were made since theAwards’ inception in 2008. The ScientificCommittee, which assesses the submissions,is made up of scientists from top globalresearch institutions and has included 6Nobel laureates over the years.Moreover, through Joule, Eni’s BusinessSchool, the firm has awarded the Eni Joulefor Entrepreneurship special mention. This ismeant for teams, university spin-offs, andstart-ups focused on the application,enhancement and transfer of technologiesaimed at creating a sustainable innovationecosystem.In the 2023 edition of the Eni Awards:Yu Huang has made serial breakthroughs inthe design of highly efficient Hydrogen FuelCell (HFC) catalysts, improving performance,cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. Inparticular, she devised a nanoscaleprotective layer that prevents the catalystsfrom rapidly deteriorating during use, and aninnovative nanowire-based approach thatdrastically reduces the need for critical andexpensive elements such as platinum. HFCsare a valid alternative to combustionengines and one of the key levers todecarbonize transport.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingThe Energy Frontiers Award for research onrenewable energy sources and energystorage has been given to MatthewRosseinsky, from the University of Liverpool(UK) for his work on digital techniques for thedesign and discovery of next generationenergy materials. Matthew Rosseinsky andhis colleagues have shown how to acceleratethe discovery of high-performance materialsby combining artificial intelligence, machinelearning, and physics-based computationtools with automation to explore unchartedchemical solutions faster than previouslypossible. New materials are needed to meetthe Net Zero challenge. These include solarabsorbers free from toxic components as wellas new solid electrolytes for batteries andinorganic material with the lowest thermalconductivity known for thermoelectricalapplications.The Advanced Environmental SolutionsAward, given for enhancing scientific andtechnological innovation for the protectionand sustainable use of natural resources,was awarded to Thalappil Pradeep, from theIndian Institute of Technology, Madras (India), Jeffrey R. Long has designed and developedinnovative crystalline-nanoporous materials ofthe family of the metal-organic frameworks(MOFs) which are capable of selectivelyseparating specific molecules from complexmixtures. FEATURE STORY
35Gloria Amo-Duodu studied magneticnanoparticles as catalysts in anaerobicdigestion for treating wastewater sources andupgrading biogas production.Elshaday Mulu Fetene investigated how toupgrade biogas using catalysts from low-costnatural and synthetic materials, such as naturalzeolites, clays, dolomite, sepiolite, fly ash andwood ash.Tsion Ayalew Kebede focused on the influenceof land use and land cover changes on theurban climate, using remote sensing data andmachine learning algorithms.Natnael Tilahun Sinshaw developed a predictivemodel using deep learning algorithms toautomatically detect potato leaf diseases.from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras(India), for his research on water purificationtechnologies using advanced materials. ThalappilPradeep discovered advanced, sustainable, andaffordable nanoscale materials for the removal oftoxic contaminants such as arsenic and uraniumwith low maintenance and no environmentalimpact. Currently, 1.3 million people in India benefitevery day from drinking water at a cost of only 2.1paise (US$0.00028) per litre. This technology,characterized by ease of maintenance anddisposal, has been approved for nationwide roll-outacross India.The Young Talents from Africa category,established in 2017 on the 10th anniversary of EniAward and dedicated to young talent from theAfrican Continent, awarded four prizes this year.The honorees are Gloria Amo-Duodu, from DurbanUniversity of Technology (South Africa), ElshadayMulu Fetene, from Moi University (Kenya), TsionAyalew Kebede, from Addis Ababa University(Ethiopia), and Natnael Tilahun Sinshaw, from AddisAbaba Science and Technology University(Ethiopia). They will each receive a 3-year PhDscholarship to continue their studies in Italy.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingMichele Ghini has completed hisPhD at Italian Institute ofTechnology in collaboration with theUniversity of Genoa, where hestudied how metal oxidenanocrystals can be used toharvest, store, and release lightenergy. Hilmar del Carmen Guzmán Medina,from the Polytechnic of Turin,studied techniques to transformCO2 into commercially viableproducts, such as ethanol andmethanol. Aldo Bosetti and Carmen Samà(Eni), Luca Madia and MassimoZampato (Eniprogetti) for patentingprocesses for shell & tube reactorand redox at high temperatures;Antonio Amico, Giulio Assanelli,Lucia Bonoldi, Marcello Notari,Riccardo Po’ and Luca Serbolisca(Eni) for developing a paintcontaining Few Layer Graphiteliquid dispersions (FLG-LD), whichhas antimicrobial, antibacterial,antiviral, anticorrosive and anti-fouling applications;For the Young Researcher of the YearAward, which honors two students whohave completed their PhDs at Italianuniversities, the prizes were awarded toMichele Ghini and Hilmar del CarmenGuzmán Medina.For the Eni Innovation Award, whichselects the most innovative projectsdeveloped by Eni researchers andexperts, prizes were awarded to:FEATURE STORY
36Francesco Argento and Andrea Vignali (Eni), Mauro Favaretto (Eniprogetti) for developing anATEX certified drone that can operate in potentially explosive atmospheres, so as to detectmethane leaks in oil and gas plants.RECO2, a Pontecorvo (Frosinone)-based startup, has patented a circular economy processfor a wide range of useful sustainable building and street furniture applications through thereuse of industrial waste materials.Ohoskin, a Catania-based startup, has created and patented an alternative to animalleather for applications in fashion, automotive, and furnishing, produced from orange andprickly pear waste, whose production chain is located entirely in Italy.20energy, a Spoleto-based start-up, has developed, produced and commercialized anintelligent device that converts kinetic energy dissipated by cars when slowing down intoelectrical energy that can be used on-site or distributed to the grid.The “Eni Joule for Entrepreneurship” special mention was awarded to three start-ups thatdistinguished themselves for innovation and sustainability across their business projects:PAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORY
37If it seems that drones are being used in morepublic, private and military uses… its becausethey are! Disaster risk and assessmentmarkets are growing rapidly across the globe.Safety drones present a significant marketopportunity in search and rescue operations.These drones can be deployed quickly tolocate missing persons in various terrains,including remote wilderness areas anddisaster-stricken regions. The ability of safetydrones to cover large areas rapidly andprovide real-time video feeds enhances thechances of locating and rescuing individualsin distress. With the increasing demand forefficient search and rescue capabilities,safety drones offer a valuable solution tosave lives and mitigate risks. According to a report from Coherent MarketInsights the Global Safety and Security DronesMarket was valued at US$ 1,570 Mn in 2022and is forecast to reach a value of US$5,886.4 Mn by 2030, exhibiting CAGR of 18.1%between 2023 and 2030. DISASTER RISK &ASSESSMENT OPERATIONSCREATING HUGE OPPORTUNITYFOR DRONE INDUSTRYPAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORYThe report said: "Safety and security dronesare unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) orunmanned aircraft systems (UAS) that aredesigned and utilized for applicationsfocused on enhancing safety measuresand protecting assets and individuals.These drones are equipped with advancedsensors, cameras, and technology tosupport tasks related to public safety,emergency response, surveillance, andthreat detection. The primary objective ofsafety and security drones is to providesituational awareness, aid in criticaldecision-making, and proactively addresspotential risks and security threats invarious settings, including disastermanagement, infrastructure inspection, lawenforcement, and industrial security. Thesafety and security drones marketencompasses the manufacturing,distribution, and deployment of thesespecialized UAVs, catering to the needs ofgovernment agencies, private enterprises,and organizations seeking efficient andinnovative solutions to bolster safety andsecurity measures." Active companies inthe markets this week include: DraganflyInc. (NASDAQ:DPRO) (CSE:DPRO), NVIDIA(NASDAQ:NVDA), Palantir Technologies Inc.(NYSE:PLTR), KLA Corporation(NASDAQ:KLAC), Booz Allen Hamilton(NYSE:BAH).
38This event is jointly organized by the WorldMeteorological Organization (WMO), theInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU),and the United Nations Convention to CombatDesertification (UNCCD) as part of ITU's webinarseries on digital transformation. It focuses on thetransformative ability of cutting-edgetechnologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI),the Internet of Things (IoT), Unmanned AerialVehicles (UAVs), digital twin, and the metaverseand their use in disaster management. Thisevent will explore how these technologicalinnovations can be used to mitigate andrespond to natural hazards and disasterseffectively.Cameron Chell, CEO of Draganfly, will shareexpertise and insights on how Draganfly's dronetechnology has played a role in improvingdisaster management efforts, particularly inresponse to floods and wildfires. Draganfly's UAVplatforms have bolstered disaster risk reductionby swiftly conducting aerial assessments, aidingin survivor search and rescue operations,mapping, and surveying tasks, and offeringwildfire services, especially during hot and dryseasons.The report continued: "The primary driverfor safety drones is the increasing focuson public safety. Safety drones play acrucial role in various applications,including search and rescue operations,firefighting, disaster response, andaccident investigation. Their ability toaccess hard-to-reach or hazardousareas and provide real-time situationalawareness makes them invaluable toolsfor first responders and emergencyservices. Global safety and securitydrones market is expected to witnesssignificant growth during the forecastperiod (2023–2030). The market growth ismajorly attributed to increasing adoptionof drones in different applications such asdefense, government, and land in theindustrial sector. Moreover, favorablerules regulations for safety and securitydrones are expected to propel demandfor safety and security drones across theglobe."Draganfly Inc. (NASDAQ:DPRO)(CSE:DPRO) BREAKING NEWS: Draganfly toAddress United Nations Expert Gatheringon Emerging Technologies for DisasterRisk Reduction - Draganfly CEO CameronChell will provide expertise and insightsinto how Draganfly's drone technologyhas enhanced disaster managementefforts - Draganfly Inc. (FSE: 3U8)("Draganfly" or the "Company"), anaward-winning, industry-leading dronesolutions, and systems developer, ispleased to announce that its presidentand CEO, Cameron Chell, will bepresenting at an upcoming Webinar on"Disaster Risk Reduction in the DigitalTransformation Age: Leveraging emergingtechnologies" on October 13, 2023,coinciding with the International Day forDisaster Risk Reduction.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORYARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONFIRMS:AT&S HAS THE HIGHEST REPUTATIONIN AUSTRIA’S INDUSTRY
39Stellar rise: from 10th place to 1st placeAfter reaching 10th place in the ReputationReport last year, AT&S rose to the top ofthe ranking this year with record revenuesin the past financial year, highinvestments in its locations and continuedglobal expansion. However, the key to thehighest reputation in Austria is not onlyeconomic performance – AT&S alsoscores as an employer: “The creation ofmore than 700 new jobs, the successfulpresentation of the positive workingclimate in an employer brandingcampaign and the support ofinternational employees leave anextremely positive impression,” the IMWFand Industriemagazin evaluation states. Interms of sustainability, the company’sinnovative recycling system is mentioned,among other things.“An excellent national reputation isessential, also for a globally operatingtech company such as AT&S,” says GeraldReischl, VP Corporate Communications atAT&S. “Taking first place in a reputationranking is not only a recognition of thecommunications, investor relations andpublic affairs work, but can also makeevery single employee in the companyvery proud.”The Styria-based technology group iseconomically successful in challenging timesand has an excellent reputation as an employer.This has been confirmed by the ReputationReport 2023, which was drawn up by theAustrian Institute for Management andEconomic Research (IMWF Austria) and thetrade magazine “Industriemagazin”.The Reputation Report examines the image ofAustria’s 439 largest industrial businesses indigital public opinion. As the IMWF explains, thestudy is based on all public statements aboutcompanies that are available online – injournalistic news and trade media, on socialmedia, in forums, blogs and on websites ofassociations. Using artificial intelligence, nearly200,000 text fragments were evaluated by topicand regarding their tonality, measuring thepositive, neutral or negative linguistic context. Inaddition, all statements were weightedaccording to the reach of the respective media,websites or users, the IMWF explains.Top marks for management, employer andinnovationWith top marks in the categories management,employer and innovation, the Styrian ICsubstrate and printed circuit boardmanufacturer AT&S won the overall ranking of439 Austrian industry brands operating in theB2B sector (“business to business”). The group isa globally leading supplier of leading-edgeinterconnect technologies. Products made byAT&S are used in all areas of life – ranging frommobile phones, computers, vehicles andindustrial robots to medical technology, aircraftand satellites. AT&S technologies are alsoapplied in high-performance computers andartificial intelligence. Moreover, AT&S productsmake a significant contribution to the greentransformation, as they provide new ways toincrease efficiency and save energy.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORY
41As technology continues to advance everyaspect of health care, softwareincorporating artificial intelligence (AI), andspecifically the subset of AI known asmachine learning (ML), has become animportant part of an increasing number ofmedical devices. One of the greatestpotential benefits of AI/ML resides in itsability to create new and important insightsfrom the vast amount of data generatedduring the delivery of health care every day.Digital health technologies are playing anincreasingly significant role in many facetsof our health and daily lives, and AI/ML ispowering important advancements in thisfield. Ensuring that these innovative devicesare safe and effective, and that they canreach their full potential to help people, iscentral to the FDA's public health mission.Interest in medical devices incorporatingAI/ML functionality has increased in recentyears and even more so in recent monthsdue to the development of large languagemodels (LLMs). LLMs are AI models that aretrained on very large datasets, enablingthem to recognize, summarize, translate,predict, and generate content (for example:ChatGPT, Llama, Claude, PaLM, etc.). Overthe past decade, the FDA has reviewed andauthorized a growing number of devices(marketed via 510(k) clearance, granted DeNovo request, or premarket approval) withAI/ML across many different fields ofmedicine—and expects this trend tocontinue. As of October 19, 2023, no devicehas been authorized that uses generative AIor artificial general intelligence (AGI) or ispowered by large language models.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING (AI/ML)-ENABLEDMEDICAL DEVICESPAGEAddictive ManufacturingThe FDA is providing this list and insights ofAI/ML-enabled medical devices marketed inthe United States as a resource to the publicabout these devices and the FDA’s work in thisarea. The devices in this list have met the FDA’sapplicable premarket requirements, includinga focused review of the devices’ overall safetyand effectiveness, which includes anevaluation of appropriate study diversity basedon the device’s intended use and technologicalcharacteristics.FEATURE STORYMACHINE LEARNING CAN HELPDETECT CEO LIES AND THWARTCORPORATE FRAUDSam Bankman-Fried’s trial on federal fraudcharges began this month. The founder of thefailed crypto exchange FTX is just one recentexample of high-profile executives whodeceived analysts — a practice that a newstudy published in Strategic ManagementJournal may help deter, saving billions ofdollars per year in corporate fraud.“One aspect of their fraud was their buying allof these other exchanges, with money theydidn’t have,” says Steven J. Hyde of Boise StateUniversity, lead researcher of the study. “Oneanalyst pointed to their acquisitions as beingevidence that this company was reallysuccessful. But it was actually evidence of theirfraud.”
42“All of these effects are being driven by ourgeneral human tendency to assume thatpeople are being honest with us,” Hyde says.“(Star analysts’) prestige exaggerates the bias.They assume even more that people won’t belying to them; there’s a level of ego that comesin.”The takeaways for investors? Consider lookingto lesser-known analysts if you’re concernedthat a company’s CEO is being dishonest.They’re likely to pick up on those cues fasterthan a more all-star analyst. Hyde says hedoes expect more analysts to incorporatelinguistic analysis to improve the accuracy oftheir reports.There are the ethical implications: Hydecautions that the machine learning modelsare not perfect, and there could be falsenegatives or positives (they had a harder timecatching lies from Theranos CEO ElizabethHolmes, for example). Leaders could also learnto run their speeches through these platformsand change their language to better hide theirdeceit.“Yes, we’re measuring deception, but reallywhat we’re measuring is how similar thelinguistic pattern of this CEO is to someonewho’s committing deception,” Hyde says. “Youstill need a human component here. You stillneed to investigate what’s actually been said,and not just take that algorithm at face value.”Analysts by and large reward CEOs fordeception.There is, however, a “boy who cried wolfeffect,” in that analysts will catch on overtime if they are repeatedly lied to.Lastly, they found that analysts with thehighest reputations are the ones who arethe slowest to pick up on deception.Hyde and his team — Eric Bachura ofUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, JonathanBundy of Arizona State University, Richard T.Gretz of University of Texas at San Antonio,and Wm. Gerard Sanders of the University ofNevada, Las Vegas — used the machinelearning platform they developed to findthat the language Bankman-Fried used withinvestors was often deceitful.The researchers were curious as to howleaders at FTX, Wells-Fargo, Theranos, andother organizations were able to lie withoutgetting caught. They designed a study thatasked two core questions: Do analystsdetect when CEOs lie? And in what contextare they more or less likely to pick it up? Toanswer their questions, they looked atlinguistic patterns that are found to beindicative of lying among CEOs (for example,distancing language tends to be associatedwith lying).Previous studies of the topic used regressionanalyses, with an accuracy rate of about65%. But Hyde’s team developed a machinelearning component in which they identifiedinstances where CEOs committed veryserious fraud and created a sample of CEOslike them; their model was 85% accurate.The researchers connected the findingsfrom their model with how analysts reacted.The study came away with three majorfindings:1.2.3.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingFEATURE STORY
44UAVHE is a leading developer of hybridpropulsion systems for commercial UAVs(unmanned aerial vehicles). UST isdelighted to welcome UAVHE on board as asupplier partner, and we will be highlightingtheir unique solutions and capabilitiesacross our channels over the next 12months.We’ve just launched UAVHE’s UST supplierprofile, which has been written and built byour team in collaboration with thecompany. The Silver profile showcases theirhighly durable and efficient hybrid droneengines, which enable unmanned aircraft tofly further and get more done in a singleflight.UAVHE’s hybrid UAV engines combine theadvantages of both electric andcombustion technologies, leveraging theenergy density of gasoline and themanoeuvrability of motors.HIGH-EFFICIENCY HYBRID DRONE ENGINES FOR COMMERCIAL UAVSPAGEAddictive ManufacturingAdvanced autotuningCANbus controlExtensive telemetry and self-diagnosiscapabilitiesElectronic torque control and in-cycletorque compensationAll UAVHE engines are precision-machinedfrom aerospace-grade materials, and havebeen engineered with a two-stage fuelinjection system and an electric starter andbooster. With a durable, low-vibration design,they are highly resistant to collisions andextremes of weather. Other key featuresinclude:PRODUCT COMMUNIQUEUAVHE also provides expert design andintegration support for drone developerscreating new concepts and prototypes forcommercial, industrial and public safety UAS.The company can help you select the besthybrid propulsion solution for your newplatform, and can customise existing productsto suit specific requirements and withstandharsh conditions such as moisture, dust, andextremes of temperature.UAVHE'S ENGINES COMBINE THE ADVANTAGES OF BOTH ELECTRIC AND COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGIES,LEVERAGING THE ENERGY DENSITY OF GASOLINE AND THE MANOEUVRABILITY OF MOTORS
45DroneShield is pleased to release theDroneSentry-X Mk2 (“DroneSentry-X”), amulti-mission Counter-UAS solution formobile and expeditionary fixed-siteapplications. The DroneSentry-X supportspassive detection, identification, trackingof multi-domain unmanned (oruncrewed) systems. DroneSentry-X integrates DroneShield’sadvanced multi-mission AI/MLtechnology, RFAI for passive, non-intrusivedetection with its new electroniccountermeasure (ECM) technology, RFAI-ATK (RFAI “Attack”) providing operatorswith the ability to detect, identify, track,and defeat (DITD) UxS from a single self-contained, intuitive system. DroneSentry-X Mk2 is the first platform in the Counter-UAS industry to offer RFAI-ATK.DRONESHIELD RELEASESDRONESENTRY-X MK2 FORMULTI-MISSION COUNTER-UASAPPLICATIONSPAGEAddictive ManufacturingPRODUCT COMMUNIQUEThe launch of DroneSentry-X follows extensiveresearch and development incorporating end-user feedback on the primary feature sets,performance requirements, user interface, andinteroperable must-haves. With interoperability inmind, the DroneSentry-X comes with anembedded RFAI user interface for local andtactical level situational awareness, whilesupporting Modular Open Systems Approach(MOSA) best practices for seamless integrationwith existing system of systems and third-partysensors, effectors, and command and control(C2) platforms.DroneSentry-X makes its debut this week at theAssociation of the United States Army AnnualMeeting and Exposition (AUSA 2023) inWashington, DC. Initial deliveries under receivedorders will commence this month.FULL-DISPLAY METERINSTALLED FOR MAZDA MOTORCORPORATION’S CX-90Full-display meters from Panasonic AutomotiveSystems Co., Ltd. (President & RepresentativeDirector, CEO: Masashi Nagayasu, Head office:Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture) areinstalled in Mazda Motor Corporation’s (Mazda)CX-90 (launched in April 2023). The CX-90 will bethe second Mazda passenger vehicle to featureour full-display meters.
46The full-display meter is a system thatuses a large 12.3-inch display to show thedriver graphics of a vehicle’s conditions,such as speed and warnings. Thegraphics change according to the vehicleconditions to display timely andappropriate information, helping driversfeel safer and more secure while on theroad.The full-display meters installed in theCX-90 are high quality, as befits apremium vehicle, and take full advantageof the advanced graphics technologiesdeveloped by our company formultimedia products and in-vehiclenavigation systems to create 3D graphicsthat are easy for the driver to see andrecognize when driving.Product Features1. 3D Stereoscopic Image with High-Quality GraphicsHigh-definition high-resolution displaysare installed to provide high-qualitygraphics with a sense of three-dimensionality and depth.Every moment that the driver is in the car,the system not only displays easy-to-understand information but also helpsenhance the value of the car throughbeautiful 3D images.PAGEAddictive ManufacturingPRODUCT COMMUNIQUE2. Mode Display According to Driving ScenarioThe display can switch to a number of screenmodes depending on the driver's preference andthe car's driving conditions.Seamless animated transitions provide a varietyof driving experiences while maintaining safety.Sport ModePanasonic strives to take the leading position inthe field of full-display meters, which areexpected to see widespread use in the future.Leveraging the strength gained by developingand delivering full-display meters, Panasonic willcontribute to the creation of safe, secure, andcomfortable driving environments.EV ModeDriving Assist System Information Screen
48At the world’s leading industrial tradefair, companies from the mechanicalengineering, electrical engineering anddigital industries as well as the energysector will come together to presentsolutions for a high-performance, butalso sustainable industry. More than4,000 companies will be acting as aninterconnected industrial ecosystemand demonstrating how climateneutrality can be achieved throughelectrification, digitization andautomation.Here are some key points aboutHannover Messe:HANNOVER MESSE 2024PAGEAddictive ManufacturingGREAT OPPORTUNITYHANNOVER MESSE IS THE MOST IMPORTANTINTERNATIONAL PLATFORM AND HOT SPOTFOR INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION - WITHEXCELLENT INNOVATIONS OR UNUSUALPRODUCTSInternational Participation: Theevent attracts participants from allover the world, including bothexhibitors and visitors. It has astrong international presence, withcompanies and organizations fromvarious countries showcasing theirproducts and technologies.Industrial Sectors: Hannover Messecovers a broad spectrum ofindustrial sectors, includingautomation, robotics, energy,digitalization, industrial software,logistics, research anddevelopment, and more. The tradefair is organized into severalspecialized sections or "themedareas" to cater to the diverseinterests of attendees.Discover the innovations and solution of ourexhibitor by video:Innovative Technologies: One of the maindraws of Hannover Messe is its focus oncutting-edge technologies and innovations.It often features the latest developments inIndustry 4.0, the Internet of Things (IoT), andother advanced manufacturing trends.Networking and B2B Opportunities: The eventoffers numerous networking opportunities forprofessionals, including the chance toconnect with potential business partners,suppliers, customers, and industry experts.Over 70 percent of professional visitors surveyedstated that a visit to HANNOVER MESSE benefits theirprofessional activity significantly or very significantlyin comparison to a visit to other industrial tradeshows. For a third, it is even the only trade show theyvisit every year.
49Your submissions can qualify for themain challenge, meeting specificcriteria. Engage with the top talents atTruEra, a key player in the IntelDisruptor Initiative. Explore TruLens, offering powerfultools for neural network developmentand monitoring, including LLMs. UtilizeTruLens-Eval for evaluation andTruLens-Explain for deep learningexplainability. Unleash the potentialwhile taking on the challenge!TRULENS & GOOGLE VERTEXAI 48-HOUR HACKATHONPAGEAddictive ManufacturingGREAT OPPORTUNITYVEX GPS, VEX LINK, and AI Vision System, and theresulting Sensor Fusion create an opportunity forstudents to take their autonomous robots a levelup! The VEX AI Robotics Competition pushes theboundaries of robotics competitions. The game isseparate from the VRC and VEX U competitions.Here's How it WorksJOIN THE TRUERA TRULENS 48-HOURSHACKATHON, PART OF A LARGERCHALLENGE WITH TRUERA AND VERTEX AI.Why TruLens?Evaluation: TruLens allows you toevaluate the quality of your LLM-basedapplications by supporting theassessment of inputs, outputs, andinternals of your LLM application. Itprovides built-in feedback functionssuch as groundedness, relevance, andtoxicity and is easily extensible forcustom evaluation requirements.Tracking: TruLens offersinstrumentation for any LLMapplication, including questionanswering, retrieval-augmentedgeneration, and agent-basedapplications. This instrumentationenables the tracking of various usagemetrics and metadata, making it avaluable tool for understanding theperformance of your models.VEX AI ROBOTICS COMPETITIONTwo Robots per Team – Each team brings tworobots that they design and build to work as ateam.Parts – Teams can 3D print and machine parts.Teams can use custom electronics, and there areno motor quantity limits.Grade-level – This game will be open to HighSchool students and College students alike.Registration – Season registration is $200 for thefirst team and $150 for each additional teamwithin the same organization.Hardware – The hardware kit needed to run VEXGPS, VEX LINK, an AI Vision System, and SensorFusion Map is available for purchase from VEX,SKU 276-8983.
50Team Registration: OctoberQualifying Events: November,2023 - April, 2024VEX AI Robotics CompetitionChampionship: June 7-8, 2024Season TimelineWELCOME TO MISSION 2024: ECLIPSE!PAGEAddictive ManufacturingGREAT OPPORTUNITYAerial Drone CompetitionApril – Season Opens forTeam RegistrationSeptember – 2023-2024Game RevealOctober 2023 through March2024 – Local Qualifying eventsMarch-April 2024 – DistrictChampionship EventsApril-May 2024 – RegionalChampionship EventsSeason TimelineThe Aerial Drone Competition offers an excitingeducational drone sporting event that focuses on hands-on, student-centered learning.Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming,documentation and communication skills while expandingtheir understanding and building interest for Drone-related workforce and career opportunities.Recommended for students grades 5-12, teams willcompete in local and national competitions wherestudents work together to complete four missions.
51The 4th Drone Show Competition is shiftingfrom online to offline, uniting the GlobalDrone Show Community. This year's dynamictwo-stage voting involves both communitymembers and a jury to choose winners. Theinternational jury, including media, drone,and entertainment experts, awards valuableprizes. Winners gain Global Drone ShowCommunity recognition and a chance toshowcase animations at the 2024International Flock's Drone Show Festival.In 2020, SPH Engineering kicked off the 1stInternational Drone Show ChoreographyCompetition. In 3 years, this contest hasevolved into a broader Drone ShowCompetition, with 469 entries from 104countries and honoring 31 outstandingcreators.4TH INTERNATIONAL DRONE SHOW COMPETITIONPAGEAddictive ManufacturingGREAT OPPORTUNITYDrone Show Animation | 300 dronesThis category recognizes the drone showdemonstrating exceptional creativity and visualstorytelling through animation. The winners inthis category will illuminate the festival programof the International Drone Show Festival in Spainin 2024, organized by Flock Drone Art.THE ONLY INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION THAT BRINGS TOGETHER THE BEST PRACTICES ANDAPPROACHES IN THE DRONE SHOW INDUSTRYNominationsDrone Showat an eventDrone ShowStorytellingDrone Showas MarketingCollaborativeDrone ShowDrone Showwith a SmallFleet of up to100 DronesRising StarDrone ShowPartner NominationJudging & EvaluationCommunity MembersInternational JuryThis year's dynamic two-stage voting involvesboth Drone Show Community members and ajury to choose winners.1.2.
53PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESChina alone accounts for 52% of world demand.Therefore, it is clear where automation is pushingmore, but interesting performances are registered inother countries, including the United States and Italy. In2022, the United States saw the number of newinstallations grow by 10% over the previous year, drivenby investments from the automotive sector. In Europe, 71,000 new robots were installed in 2022.Germany acquired 36% of new installations, howevershowing a slight decrease versus the previous year; onthe other hand, Italy absorbed 16% of the total in thearea, marking an 8% increase in consumptioncompared to 2021. The year 2023 should also have a positive sign: weexpect a 7% rise in the demand for robots,corresponding to about 590,000 new units. The trendshould continue in 2024, when we expect sales toreach 600,000 units.MARINA BILLPRESIDENT OF IFR (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATIONOF ROBOTICS)Marina Bill also heads Global Marketing &Sales for ABB’s Robotics business whichhas approximately 11,000 employees,operating in over 100 locations in 53countries. She has over 25 years ofexperience in a number of managementand sales and marketing roles acrossautomation at ABB. The Swedish and Swissnational holds a Master of Science degreein Industrial Engineering and Managementfrom The Royal Institute of Technology inStockholm.1. Could you give us a brief updatedoverview of the sector? What aboutrobotics consumption in Europe and USand what about Asia?The worldwide industry of robotics isexperiencing a positive phase. Based on our data, in 2022, over half amillion new robots were installed,corresponding to 5% more than theinstallations recorded in 2021. Asia took thelion’s share, taking up 73% of consumption,followed by Europe, with 15%and then bythe Americas, with 10%.2. Which are the main innovation trends forrobotics? The state of the art and the next future.User-friendliness, digitalization and sustainability:undoubtedly, these are the three main trends thatmost influence -and will continue to influence in thenear future - the robotics sector. In particular, the firsttrend concerns the accessibility and user-friendlinessof robots, so that they can be managed and driven byall operators, even less experienced ones.The second trend, that of digitalisation, isindispensable for the sector today. Indeed, robots arenow part of a connected digital ecosystem, whichincludes cloud computing, big data, 5G, AI and bringsbenefits in terms of costs, speed and variety ofapplications.Finally, sustainability: robots considerably contribute toincreasing the competitiveness of enterprises and, inparticular, to optimising material and energy costs. Inthe next years, we expect numerous innovations andadvancements in this field!
54PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESWe chose Italy because of itsincreasingly decisive role inthe industrial roboticsmarket,its ongoingcommitment to issues such aseducation, training andresearch, its high-leveloffering in terms of innovativesolutions and the presence ofnumerous start-ups in thearea focused on service-robotics are the elements thathave most influenced ourdecision. In particular, wedecided to organise ourmeeting at RobotHeart– Theart of smart robotics, the areadedicated to robotics andhosted by 34.BI-MU atFieramilano Rho, because thistrade show is the Italianleading event for theoperators of themanufacturing industry.“IFR will be at RobotHeart Theart of smart robotics, a realco-creation event for allplayers of the sector”Artificial intelligence is anessential element in theconnected digital ecosystem justmentioned and its solutions arevaluable instruments to make themost of the use of robots infactories. Population decline,difficulty in finding and havingqualified personnel available, aswell as the possibility ofunpredictable situations, such asthe pandemic in 2020, make thesetechnologies increasinglyindispensable. Robotics and artificial intelligencego hand in hand more and more,as they can represent aninteresting response to the needto bring a part of production backto traditional countries, as well asto the development of thebusiness activity of small andmedium-sized enterprises. Thanks to artificial intelligence,these companies can pursue theirdigital development path fasterand more consciously. In order tofacilitate this “leap intoinnovation”, IFR has just launchedthe GO4ROBOTICS project, adigital platform for new users withlittle knowledge or littleexperience, offering support,guidelines and help inunderstanding and making thebest use of the latest solutions inthese fields.4. IFR will organize itsAssembly at RobotHeart -34.BI-MU (October 9-12,2024) and we are reallyhonored to host yourmeeting. Why did youchoose RobotHeart?With our presence, we intendto highlight the importance ofItaly in the sector, thushonouring its growth andinnovative contribution. Inaddition, the assembly willtake place almost at the endof my term as president of IFRand therefore, this meetingwill be even more valuableand meaningful for me.3. How about the deployment ofAI and robotics in themanufacturing industry? Thestate of the art and the nextfuture.5. As you visited the last(and first) edition ofRobotHeart held in October2022, could you describeyour impressions andcomments about it?I must say thatI was reallyimpressed with the 2022edition! A large number ofvisitors, an extremely positiveatmosphere of sharing,participation and interest. Theinitiative was an ideal placefor meetings, intenseexchange of views,synergiesand high-level insights for theworld of the manufacturingindustry. It was a veryfavorable experience for usand this convinced us toconfirm our participation inthe 2024 edition, too.
56PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESDR. WILFRIED SCHÄFEREXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF VDWAfter graduating in mechanicalengineering from the Rheinisch-Westfälisch Technische HochschuleAachen (RWTH) in 1987, Dr.-Ing. WilfriedSchäfer worked as a research assistantat the RWTH's Machine Tool Laboratory(WZL). In 1992, Schäfer took over theresearch and technology department atVDW, and in 1999 he was appointedmanaging director of VDW-Forschungsinstitut e.V. (VDW ResearchInstitute).In 2008, Schäfer became managingdirector of the German Machine ToolBuilders' Association, which among otherevents organizes EMO Hannover. He isalso managing director of the VDMA'sMachine Tools and ManufacturingSystems Association, of VDMA's workinggroups Medical Technology and AdditiveManufacturing, of IndustryArena GmbHand the VDW-Nachwuchsstiftung GmbH.1. What is the challenge posed byIndustry 4.0, particularly in terms ofautomated production and workforcereduction?The challenge posed by Industry 4.0,particularly in terms of automatedproduction and workforce reduction,revolves around the rapid and profoundshift towards automation. While the goal isto create highly interconnected andefficient production processes, this oftenmeans that routine and labor-intensivetasks are being taken over by machinesand intelligent systems, potentially leadingto a reduced need for manual labor.Machines, equipped with sensors and artificialintelligence, are increasingly capable of performingcomplex tasks that were once the domain of humanworkers. This transformation necessitates carefulconsideration of workforce management, includingreskilling and upskilling programs to ensure that theworkforce remains adaptable and competitive in thisevolving landscape. Additionally, the challenge lies instriking the right balance between automation andhuman involvement, emphasizing human-machinecollaboration and the utilization of human skills in tasksthat require creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making.2. Can you elaborate on the processes involvedin digitization and automation within Industry4.0?
57PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESCertainly, Industry 4.0 introduces acomprehensive transformation throughdigitization and automation. Firstly,automating machine operations involvesequipping machinery with sensors andconnectivity, allowing them tocommunicate and adapt in real-time,optimizing production efficiency andenabling predictive maintenance. Secondly, material transportation isstreamlined with autonomous guidedvehicles (AGVs), conveyor systems, and IoT,reducing manual labor and enhancinglogistics precision. Thirdly, qualitymeasurement devices, like machine visionsystems and sensors, ensure consistentand precise product inspection. Lastly, dataanalysis plays a central role, optimizingenergy management by harnessing datato monitor and control energy usage,contributing to sustainability and cost-efficiency. Together, these processesredefine industrial processes, making themmore efficient, flexible, and data-driven.3. What role does data usage play in theprocesses of Industry 4.0?Data usage plays a central andtransformative role in Industry 4.0processes. It serves as the lifeblood of thisindustrial revolution, influencing theeffectiveness and efficiency of variousaspects throughout the manufacturingand industrial landscape. 4. Could you shed light on the concept ofIndustry 5.0 and its relation to human-machinecollaboration?At its core, Industry 4.0 leverages data from amultitude of sources, such as sensors, IoT devices, andinterconnected machines, to enable real-timemonitoring and decision-making. This data isprocessed and analyzed through advanced analytics,machine learning, and artificial intelligence, allowingfor production optimization by identifying inefficienciesand enabling just-in-time manufacturing. Moreover, predictive maintenance is made possible, asdata-driven insights can forecast when machineryrequires attention, minimizing downtime and reducingcosts. Data usage in Industry 4.0 extends beyond theshop floor; it empowers supply chain management,quality control, and energy efficiency, ultimatelyfostering a more agile, competitive, and responsiveindustrial ecosystem.Embarking on the grand stage of Industrial 5.0, wedelve into its unique melody, poised todifferentiate itself from the echoes of pastIndustrial Revolutions. Personally, I've often founddiscussions about the Industrial Revolution to be acomplex cadence. Amidst this symphony,harmonious collaborations take root, exemplifiedby the cohort for optics gracefully supportinghuman artisans in realms such as assembly andwelding. This dynamic interplay promises toendure and flourish. As we navigate the choreography of integration,envisioning its seamless fusion within processesand across diverse production lines beckons ourattention. As of now, the label "revolution" seemsless apt, given the familiarity of robots in ournarrative over time.
58PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESThe major players in robotics - Arno, KUKA,ABB, and Universal Robots - have sculptedthe landscape with their innovativecontributions. A fresh dimension emergestoday, as IGUS, a company synonymouswith plastic parts, diversifies its repertoire,crafting components for machinery fromthis versatile material. The transformationin their business model also extends tocobots, redefining the tempo of evolution.In this symphony, a cobot, akin to a vigilantguardian, employs sensors to halt itsactions upon contact with any element. Asthe narrative unfolds, Industrial 5.0showcases a harmonic convergence ofhumans, machinery, and innovation, trulyredefining the opera of progress.5. How does artificial intelligence (AI)factor into Industry 4.0?Certainly, the realm of artificial intelligenceencompasses a vast expanse, withsignificant implications spanning fromconsumer products to the likes of ChetChibiti and various other applications. It'scrucial to recognize that we're essentiallyorchestrating a process, one thatdemands a coherent introduction andyields a discernible output. Thus,establishing a profound correlationbetween input data and resultant effectsbecomes an indispensable facet.6. What are some of the challenges faced by theGerman machine tool industry, and how arethey being addressed?Moreover, the deployment of artificial intelligencecomes to the fore when dealing with copious amountsof data derived from processes or machinery. Thisreservoir of information lends itself to intricate analysis,unraveling the nuances of occurrences. Nonetheless,the incorporation of these analytical outcomes backinto the machinery poses challenges. A paramountconcern revolves around the assurance of safety - apriority upheld particularly in European regions due tothe machinery directive. This imperative mandates theperpetual guarantee of the machine's safety, ensuringthat humans remain unscathed by its operations.The German machine tool industry, renowned forits precision engineering and global leadership,indeed faces various challenges. One of theprominent issues is the recent economicturbulence, including supply chain disruptionsand material shortages triggered by globalevents such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Toaddress these challenges, the industry is focusingon several strategies. First, there is an emphasis on managing demandfluctuations through agile production techniques,allowing manufacturers to quickly adapt tochanging market conditions. Second, there's aconcerted effort to enhance supply chainresilience by diversifying suppliers and adoptingdigital technologies for real-time visibility into thesupply chain.
59PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESAdditionally, the German machinetool industry is actively engagingwith international investmentprograms and partnerships tosecure access to critical materialsand strengthen its globalcompetitiveness. By adoptingthese measures, the industry aimsto navigate through thesechallenging times and maintainits position as a global leader inprecision machinery.Moreover, addressingsustainability concerns byadopting eco-friendlymanufacturing practicesand materials will beessential, as environmentalregulations and customerpreferences increasinglyprioritize sustainability.Additionally, ensuring askilled and adaptableworkforce will be critical forthe industry's growth, as itnavigates the complexitiesof advanced technologies.Successfully balancingthese challenges andopportunities will be crucialfor the German machinetool industry's continuedsuccess on the globalstage.8. With new trends andtechnological advancement,do you think you have anotable impact on the futureof the German machine toolindustry?7. What opportunities andchallenges do you anticipate forthe German machine toolindustry in the future?In the future, the German machinetool industry will encounter adynamic landscape with bothopportunities and challenges. On theopportunity side, embracingemerging technologies like Industry4.0, artificial intelligence, andautomation can open up newavenues for innovation andefficiency, enabling the industry tomeet evolving customer demandseffectively. However, theseopportunities come with their own setof challenges. Staying innovative andat the forefront of technologicaladvancements is paramount toremain competitive in a rapidlyevolving market.It will continue to revolve arounddigitization, as I mentioned earlier.Currently, and as discussed withour members, the challenge liesin the absence of sufficientstandardization. Not all small andmedium-sized companies canexplore new functions or developnew functionalities from data, forinstance. This is partly due toEuropean regulations.Additionally, the topic ofsustainability poses a challenge. ROB MCGREEVYCHIEF PRODUCT OFFICERAs Chief Product Officer, Rob McGreevy leads the productmanagement and business unit teams to drive innovativesoftware solutions across the business, resulting in a seamlessdigital customer and partner experience. Charged withensuring continued innovation and execution of our alignedbusiness and portfolio strategy, he empowers customers andpartners to transform their businesses and drive sustainablegrowth through AVEVA’s industrial software portfolio.
60PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESRob has over 25 years ofexperience working in theindustrial software business with afocus on manufacturing andinfrastructure, serving end-markets such as power, water,food, beverage, pharmaceutical,and energy. With an extensivebackground in product andbusiness management, M&A,sales, and marketing, he is namedin over 28 software andtechnology patents. Since joiningthe company, Rob has hadmultiple roles including Head ofCorporate Strategy and M&A,Product Management, Portfolioand Business Unit Management.Rob is a graduate of the Universityof Iowa, where he studiedjournalism, communications andcomputer science.The past few years have seen radicalchanges in the medical andpharmaceutical industry. COVID-19has accelerated the digitaltransformation, with organizationsworldwide utilizing data to increaseproductivity and drive better patientoutcomes. Similarly, healthcareproviders are moving their practicesand data management to onlineplatforms, leveraging data toenhance diagnoses and patienttreatment and improve customerexperience.Moreover, the movetowards small quantities inproduct manufacturingcomes with increaseddemand for personalizedproducts, due in part tothe aging population andpeople’s enhancedawareness of their healthand wellness. To differentiatethemselves from bigpharma companies, someare opting to focus onnew, precision-basedmedicines that may applyto smaller niches of thepopulation and rarediseases. Personalizedtherapies maybe createdbased on genetic andbiological characteristicsof individual patients, andmay even include socialand environmentalfactors.1. What are the major trendsyou’ve observed in the medicalmanufacturing andpharmaceutical industry overthe past few years?The focus on data analytics isalso fuelled by the demand toaccelerate drug developmentand production. Aided bytechnologies such aspredictive artificial intelligence(AI) and machine learning(ML) capabilities, additionalinsights can be gained onrecommended next bestactions. In the future, it isexpected that the industry willplace a much greater focus ondata analytics, particularly onthe ability to interact with datain real time.We are also witnessing thegeneral move towards smallerproduction and quantity ofmedical products. This comesas medications are becomingmuch more concentrated ineach prescription, where eachdosage is stronger and morepotent.
61PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESToday, regulations are transitioningto a more holistic overview of thevalue chain. For instance, if aContract ManufacturingOrganization makes any changes,regulators desire the owner to bemore compliant and immediatelyaware of the change. The extent ofreal-time data integration acrossthe supply chain is something wehave not seen in the past.Ultimately, regulators have beentrying to push companies to bemore data-aware, as technologyand data quantify more elementsof the process and potentiallyproduce more quality metrics thatare insightful by design.2. How has technologyimpacted the medicalmanufacturing andpharmaceuticalindustry during yourtime working in thesector?We are seeing a demandfor technology solutionsthat help rid the industry ofits complexity — theprocesses within themanufacturingl and scape,the operations of physicalplant equipment, and tomake processes andworkflows more turnkey inexecution. Technology is also helpingto ensure that complianceand regulatoryrequirements are followedat all touchpoints acrossthe value chain.Traditionally, the industryrelied on indicators suchas the number of recalls orOEE (Overall EquipmentEffectiveness). Thesemetrics were reported toinstitutional bodies on afixed periodic basis tomonitor trends andintervene in themanufacturing processeswhere necessary for thesafety of the public.This is especially so forpersonalized medicine, a field withvery few industry experts.Companies often face challengesin finding the right personnel skilledfor the job and turn to theirecosystem partners for eachspecific expertise. The depth ofecosystem collaboration meanscompanies must be much moretransparent to ensure qualitycontrol and compliance withregulatory requirements. Additionally, supply chaindisruptions became a majorchallenge for the global economydue to the pandemic. Multiplelayers in the supply chain ofteninvolve several parties, makingintegration and communicationdifficult. Consequently, the industryexperiences challenges in thequality distribution of biologicals,impacting the efficacy of theproducts delivered and raisinghealth concerns for endconsumers. Moreover, the industry needs toabide by strict internationalregulations regarding trade, publichealth, product safety, andindustry standards.Pharmaceuticals are one of themost sensitive goods in transportas their viability can becompromised by a myriad offactors, including storageconditions. The contamination ofpharmaceuticals poses signficantdangers and could reduce thedrug’s efficacy. Assuch,organizations will need toleverage end-to-end monitoringtools to minimize hindrance toproduct development and roll out.Even before the pandemic,launching a new pharmaceuticalproduct was a massive and costlyundertaking. Just steering theproduct through clinical trials wasan impressive feat on its own,especially for first-time marketentrants. In addition, companieswould need to have a unique valueproposition to stand out from theircompetitors.3. What challenges domedical manufacturing andpharmaceutical companiesface in terms of productdevelopment and bringingnew products to market?
62PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESConducting extensive producttesting to ensure that all productsmeet the required safety andquality standards. This includesthe testing or analysis of allmaterials, processes, equipment,techniques, environments andproviding staff training to ensuretheir final products are consistent,safe, and effective. This isnecessary to prevent productadulteration and microbialcontamination, as public healthand safety is at stake4. What strategies domedical manufacturingand pharmaceuticalcompanies use toensure quality controland compliance withregulatoryrequirements?Medical andpharmaceuticalcompanies use a range ofstrategies to ensure qualitycontrol and compliance.Some of these include:The big challenge that remains isgetting all sources of data — fromsophisticated batch-orientedresults, ERP (Enterprise ResourcePlanning) systems, MES(Manufacturing ExecutionSystems) — together into a singlelocation to be mined effectively.Through the deployment of adigital manufacturing operationsmanagement system,pharmaceutical manufacturersmay achieve more accountabilityduring their periodic review –where the business reviews thequality metrics and parameters inproduct manufacturing. The other evolution is the rise ofmulti-variate process control,particularly in biologics therapy.Pharmaceutical manufacturers aretrying to build a model to predictthe quality of a batch. Through apredictive advanced processcontrol system, manufacturers canassess the viability of an eight-week batch on the third day oftesting. This eliminates significanttime and allows the chance torestart if required. Companies mayapply data in ways that improvetheir processes and reduces theirtime-to-market for products.The current industry buzzword isplug-and-play compatibility. Theevolution in the pharmaceuticalindustry has seen a bigger desirefor off-the-shelf software and dataproducts by vendors – and this iswhere software and data analyticscome into play. With the rightsoftware, businesses can nowspend less time designing the datarepository architectures,lesstroubleshooting the workflows thatfeed into their systems forregulatory compliance, and betterconnectivity of plant equipmentacross different manufacturers.5. What roles do softwareand data analytics play in themedical manufacturing andpharmaceutical industry, andhow have you seen this evolveover time? Establishing qualitymanagement systems thatmeet the regulatoryrequirements acrossterritories. This includesoutlining the proceduresand processes that ensureproducts aremanufactured to meetpredeterminedspecifications and are safeand effective for theirintended use.Conducting regular auditsof existing systems andprocesses to ensurecompanies comply withregulatory requirements.This includes documentingthe manufacturingprocesses, as well astesting and quality controlprocesses. Companies canalso monitor the results ofthe audits and testing, andimplement correctiveactions when necessary.
64ENG-YAW LAWTECHNICAL LEADER OF FIELD APPLICANTSOF ANALOG DEVICESPAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESEng-Yaw is the technical leader of fieldapplications at Analog Devices (ADI). Hecomes with over 30 years of experiencein the field of analog technology andpower electronics, and has beeninstrumental in helping ADI’s customersand partners unlock the full potential ofADI’s solutions. He works closely with hisFAE teams across the region to developinnovative solutions to solve customers’technical problems. Prior to joining ADI, Eng-Yaw spent twoyears working at Apple as a powerelectronics engineer, where he oversawproduct development. He later joinedLinear Technology in 1995 and becamepart of the ADI team after thecompletion of acquisition in 2017. Eng-Yaw is based in Singapore andholds a Bachelor’s degree in ElectricalEngineering from the National Universityof Singapore. Outside of work, he alsoenjoys cycling and keeping Bonsai. 1. How have you seen the field of analogtechnology and power electronics evolveover the past 30 years, and what trendsdo you foresee in the coming years?Businesses are increasingly focused on energyefficiency. Over the years, we have seen a significantshift towards faster switching speeds and digitalinterfaces in power electronics, as well as reducedelectromagnetic interference (EMI) for lower noise.There has also been a growing demand for enhancedresolution in many high-performance signalprocessing applications, making precision dataconverters critical components in these systems.Additionally, power electronic devices have becomesmaller and more compact, making them morespace-efficient and allowing for more streamlineddesigns in electrical systems.Today, we are seeing a huge transition to 48Vespecially in automotive systems to provide moreefficient power distribution and improve scalability toaccommodate modern demands of electronicdevices. More organisations are dedicated to reducing carbonfootprints, and we expect power solutions to gain morein the coming years. In fact, the power electronicsmarket in Asia Pacific is expected to contribute 54%tothe growth of the global market from 2022 to 2027.
653. What are some of the keychallenges you face in yourrole as a technical leader offield applications, and how doyou address them?PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESFurthermore, many of ourcustomers have been seeking toadopt Gallium Nitride (GaN)technology for more reliable andmore efficient systems. This allowsus to provide seamless ways forthem to implement this cutting-edge technology, and oneprominent example is our highperformance, step-down, dc-to-dcswitching regulator controller. Thissolution simplifies applicationdesign for engineers and preventsovercharging of high-side driversupplies.2. What are some of themost exciting andinnovative solutions thatyour FAE teams havedeveloped for ADI'scustomers recently?With road vehicles beingresponsible for 89%oftransport-related pollutionin the region, electricvehicles (EVs) can be seenas a solution for businessesto reduce carbon emissionsand improve fuel efficiency.In fact, almost every carmanufacturer is planning torelease at least one EV inthe coming years to meetthe demand for longerrange vehicles. As a leadingbattery systems provider forEVs, our customers’ evolvingexpectations includeimproved functional safety,and decreased chargetimes and cost. We also consistently provideongoing training to our teams toensure that they remain well-versed in our current andupcoming solutions, and equipthem to drive innovation for ourcustomers. Additionally,maintaining a high level ofexpertise in our design tools is ofutmost importance to us, as it notonly speeds up time to market butalso minimises errors. As trustedpartners to our customers, ourField Application Engineers carrythe responsibility to deeplyunderstand the challenges theyface and collaborate closely withthem to find solutions that meettheir needs.As I work directly with customers tohelp them design tailored solutionsfor their businesses, one of themain challenges I encounter is theneed to quickly acquire extensiveproduct knowledge and developthe competency to engage withexperienced customers. Toaddress this, we haveimplemented an internal strategywhere we divide our teams intodifferent areas of expertise, eachfocusing on a specific domain ofour product and service portfolio.This will allow us to provide theright support to customers acrossdifferent technical backgroundsand industries.Within our comprehensiveportfolio of analog, digital,and software solutions, wehave seen great successwith our Hybrid Step-DownµModule Bus Converter.With a complete 300Wpower output, thismicromodule offers a highdensity and cost-effectivesolution that protectsagainst short-circuit,overcurrent, and overtemperature faults. Notably,it also accelerates time tomarket, enhancesrobustness, and optimisesboard space utilisation forpower distribution,datacom, and telecomapplications.5. Can you share any insightsinto the impact of analogtechnology on emergingtechnologies like IoT and 5G?The Internet of Things (IoT) plays asignificant role in digitaltransformation and is theintelligent manipulation of digitaldata generated from analogsources. Leveraging efficient andadvanced data analytics, IoT candeliver deep learning and insightsthat help businesses improveproductivity. For reliable andaccurate data gathering andtransmission, key components likesensors, converters, processors,and transceivers will be crucial forcustomers that are implementingIoT.
66Similarly, as devices andapplications start to leverage5G’s wider frequency range,precision high performanceinstrumentation and testingequipment will be key todeploying today’s 5G networkinfrastructure and ensuring asmooth transition. For example,we collaborated withmanufacturing companyKeysight to develop a first-to-market wireless test platform,enabling the availability of thefirst industry certified 5G phones.Essentially, these advancementsin IoT and 5G rely fundamentallyon accurate and timelymeasurements of data, whichtransforms real-worldphenomena into precise digitaldata that can be interpreted,acted upon and analysed. As aleader in data conversion andsignal conditioning technology,we continue to empower ourcustomers to harness theseemerging technologies in theirdigital transformation journey. PAGEAddictive Manufacturing22 MINUTESThe integration of bothtechnologies entails the migrationof digital functionalities into theanalog domain, creatingtransformative electronic systemsthat offer enhanced performance,increased functionality, andgreater flexibility. This process alsoinvolves the conversion of digitaldata into valuable insights,simplifying the interpretation andtransfer of data. This can be seen in applicationslike digital power systemmanagement, battery chargers,and in USB products where digitaland analog functions are oftencombined to optimise efficiency.As engineers look to reduceproduct complexity by bridgingthe gap between digital andanalog design requirements, wecan anticipate the production ofmore integrated applications anddevices that are not only smarterand faster, but are alsoexponentially more energyefficient.In many domains,technological advancementsare usually associated withgreater speeds. Be it in industryuse cases like medical imagingor consumer audio and video,the demand for high speeddata conversion has becomeindispensable to achievegreater bandwidth in signalprocessing. At the same time,this has also underscored theimportance of makingelectronic systems smaller. Thiscan be technically demandingas it often requires the need tointegrate complex componentsand technologies into a smallerspace.Another persistent challenge islowering system noise levels.Noise can disrupt signals andlead to interference andsuboptimal operation,especially in noise-sensitiveapplications where precision iscrucial. To address this, wehave developed our SilentSwitcher technology which usesproprietary design andpackaging techniques, toimprove EMI performance inmany noise-sensitiveapplications and maximiseefficiency at very highfrequencies.6. How do you see theintegration of analogtechnology and digitaltechnology shaping thefuture of electronics?7. In your opinion, what are themost significant challengesand opportunities in the field ofanalog technology and powerelectronics today?