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October 2022: Renewable Energy, Factory Automation, and Robotics

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TABLE OFCONTENTSPETRONAS Signs MoU with Six South KoreanCompanies to Explore Opportunities in CCSValue Chain01Siemens and MAHLE sign letter of intent for wireless charging of electricvehicles02Amazon and iRobot sign an agreement forAmazon to acquire iRobot04ABB to acquire Siemens low voltage NEMAmotor business04Emerson’s Majority Owned Subsidiary,AspenTech, Announces Agreement toAcquire Metals and Mining Software LeaderMicromine05Iberdrola starts construction of the 1,400MW East Anglia Three offshore wind farm inthe UK06ABB Formula E London E-Prix showcasessustainable transport down by the river08INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTBorusan EnBW Enerji commissions 138Megawatt Saros wind farm10LONGi Provides 9MWp PV Modules to PekatSolar at Proton Malaysia12ANOTHER EXCITING PUBLICATION FROM ORANGE MEDIA GROUP MCI (P) 099/10/2016 KDN NO.PP 16700/02/2013 (032576) ISBN NO. 983-41420 - D - 5

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GE Bringing Instrumentation to “Flex”Hydropower’s Muscle13GREAT OPPORTUNITYGREAT OPPORTUNITYIntersolar North America and EnergyStorage North America Now AcceptingApplications for 2023 Solar GamesCompetition16SUCCESS STORYSUCCESS STORYSempra Foundation and GRIDAlternatives Advance Energy Accessfor Orphans and Migrant Youth inMexico1922 MINUTES22 MINUTESMr. Alfred Lee, President IndustrialAsia Pacific20Mr. Eugene Ng, Vice President ofStrategy and Business Development22Marcelo Tarkieltaub, RegionalDirector Southeast Asia ofRockwell Automation24Mr Russell Chan, Deputy Principalof Ngee Ann Polytechnic26Mr. Lock Kai Seng, Professor ofSingapore Institute of Technology28Brian Bynre - CEO of SiemensEnergy Asia Pacific30Carsten Haeckerm, Head of AsiaPacific Igus32EVENT CALENDAREVENT CALENDAR

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Publisher's NoteRe-Charge The Industrial Guide Asia is back with its print edition! Look out for our current special issue, which willfocus on factory automation, robotics, and other topics related to the manufacturing industry. The automation ofthe manufacturing process has been an ongoing trend in recent years. In fact, according to a study by McKinsey,there is a high chance that up to 70% of manufacturing tasks can be automated.Automation is a critical topic to talk about. It can really impact the way we live and the world we will be living in.The rise of robotics in our everyday life since the start of the pandemic has been a major change.The invention of robotics has been a major change in society. Robotics has helped to automate many jobs,including manufacturing and service work, which has led to increased unemployment. There are majordifficulties with the skills gap because it leaves many people unable to work and support their families. The pushfor upskilling and re-learning is necessary in this phase moving forward. The skills gap will continue to manifestin the labor market as employers compete against one another for the same workers. The competition amongstemployers is likely to intensify as they try to maintain their positions, leading to the possibility that wages andbenefits may decrease. This has implications for workers too; many have to accept lower wages or no wageincrease, as well as a worsening of benefits. Many governments have been pushing for people to learn new skills,do a re-training course or upgrade their knowledge.Most governments released a plan which outlined their goals for the future and what they are doing to helpprepare its citizens for the changing economy. This includes pushing people to do a re-training course orupgrade their knowledge in order to obtain new skills with incentives.This makes people feel like they have a community again, in new ways. People are being more social andspending less time on screens. The new normal is meeting people and doing a lot of old things again.These people are spending more time meeting with others than staring at screens. People want to connect moreand are less interested in just sitting in front of a computer screen.Sometimes all you need to re-charge and feelconnected with the world is something like coffee, dinner or a walk.We're seeing that a lot of people are feeling uncertain and nervous about the future. There is an opportunity torelearn a lot of our behavior as consumers and users. However, there are also plenty of ways to find courageagain and put lives back on track.We hope that you and your team are ready to take on the next chapter of your lives together, full of courage andnew beginnings.Don't forget to still check us out online and in our many exciting digital issues. These links will take you directly tothe information you need to know. In this special issue, we have put up some interesting interviews with insightfulindustrial leaders. We have them popping up one after another and plenty more on These in-depthinterviews have helped us to learn more about their industries and insights on the future of manufacturingmanagement. We enjoy the process of learning from them, and we hope you are too.Sending you love, courage, and success.With Love,Team Industrial Guide AsiaServing the Industrial Community since (Industrial Shopping and Enquiry) (Industrial News and More) (Industrial Digital Marketing and Fun)ORANGE MEDIA GROUP PTE LTD22 Sin Ming Lane, #06 -76 Midview CitySingapore 573969Contact : 65 8920 4299

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PETRONAS Signs MoUwith Six South KoreanCompanies to ExploreOpportunities in CCSValue ChainPETRONAS today signed aMemorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) with sixSouth Korean companies toundertake conceptual andfeasibility studies towardsestablishing a full value chainrelated to carbon dioxide (CO2)capture, transport and storage. The six companies areSamsung Engineering Co., Ltd.,Samsung Heavy Industries, SKEarthon Co., Ltd., SK Energy Co.,Ltd., GS Energy Corporation andLotte Chemical Co.The signatories of the MoU werePETRONAS Head of CarbonManagement, Emry Hisham;Samsung Engineering ExecutiveVice President, SolutionBusiness Division, CheonhongPark; SK Energy Executive VicePresident, Energy Net ZeroOffice, Jeongeui Hong; SKEarthon Executive VicePresident, Technical Center,Youngju Han; Samsung HeavyIndustry Vice President, GlobalBusiness Team, Jinmo Kim; GS Energy Vice President,Hydrogen & New BusinessDivision, Paul Sunghoon Lee;and Lotte Chemical VicePresident, EnvironmentManagement Division, In-CholPark. The signing waswitnessed by PETRONASExecutive Vice President andChief Executive Officer ofUpstream, Datuk Adif Zulkifli.The MoU will also involve theevaluation of potential CO2storage sites in Malaysia andexploration of other areasacross the CCS value chain,including the strengthening ofcross-border CO2transportation.This collaboration is part ofPETRONAS’ deliberate stepsto build a sustainableportfolio with innovativesolutions to produce energyresponsibly, supporting thetransition to a lower carbonfuture through collaborativeefforts with industry partners.- Emry Hisham, Head of CarbonManagement“The feasibilitystudies undertakenthrough thiscollaboration willidentify suitabletechnologies for theCCS andtransportation valuechain, bringingPETRONAS closertowards establishingMalaysia as a leadingregional CCSsolutions hub.”Page | 01INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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Siemensand MAHLEsign letter of intentfor wirelesschargingof electricvehiclesSiemens and MAHLE intend tocollaborate in the field ofinductive charging of electricvehicles. Both companies havesigned a letter of intent to thiseffect. “Wireless charging ofelectric vehicles is emerging as amajor market for the future. Inaddition to making lifeconsiderably easier for drivers,who no longer have to fiddle withcables and connectors, it is acrucial requirement for theautonomous mobility oftomorrow. The transfer efficiencyof wireless, inductive charging iscomparable to plug-in systems,”said Stefan Perras, Head of Pre-development and Innovation forCharging Infrastructure atSiemens AG.One aspect of the plannedcooperation includescoordinated standardizationefforts in the relevant pre-standardization andstandardization bodies. The goalis to close gaps to ensure fullinteroperability betweenvehicles and the charginginfrastructure. In addition, there are plansfor a close exchange ofideas to develop acomplete inductivecharging system for electricvehicles. MAHLE aims tocontribute its many years ofexperience as anautomotive supplier andSiemens its expertise in thefield of charginginfrastructure.Both parties are alsoplanning extensiveinteroperability and cross-testing between thecharging equipment on thevehicle (secondary coil)and the charginginfrastructure (primarycoil). This will allow fortechnical improvementsand validation of inductivecharging systems forelectric vehicles and ensureinteroperability.Some of the testing will beperformed as part of publiclyfunded projects.Setup for wireless charging of electric vehicles- Harald Straky, VicePresident for GlobalDevelopment inMechatronics andElectronics at MAHLE“We are very pleasedto have found a strongpartner in Siemens inorder to make majoradvances in inductivecharging. Thecombined experienceof both companies willgive us a clearcompetitiveadvantage."Page | 02INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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Amazon andiRobot sign anagreement forAmazon toacquire iRobotAmazon and iRobot announced that theyhave entered into a definitive mergeragreement under which Amazon will acquireiRobot. iRobot has a history of makingcustomers' lives easier with innovativecleaning products for the home. iRobot hascontinued to innovate with every productgeneration, solving hard problems to helpgive customers valuable time back in theirday."We know that saving time matters, andchores take precious time that can be betterspent doing something that customers love,"said Dave Limp, SVP of Amazon Devices. "Overmany years, the iRobot team has proven itsability to reinvent how people clean withproducts that are incredibly practical andinventive—from cleaning when and wherecustomers want while avoiding commonobstacles in the home, to automaticallyemptying the collection bin. Customers loveiRobot products—and I'm excited to work withthe iRobot team to invent in ways that makecustomers' lives easier and more enjoyable."Amazon will acquire iRobot for $61 per share in anall-cash transaction valued at approximately $1.7billion, including iRobot's net debt. Completion ofthe transaction is subject to customary closingconditions, including approval by iRobot'sshareholders and regulatory approvals. Oncompletion, Colin Angle will remain as CEO ofiRobot.- Colin Angle, chairman and CEO ofiRobot"Since we started iRobot, our team hasbeen on a mission to create innovative,practical products that make customers'lives easier, leading to inventions like theRoomba and iRobot OS. Amazon sharesour passion for building thoughtfulinnovations that empower people to domore at home, and I cannot think of abetter place for our team to continue ourmission. I'm hugely excited to be a part ofAmazon and to see what we can buildtogether for customers in the years ahead.Since introducing the Roombavacuum in 2002, iRobot hascontinued to delight customers withevery product generation, savingcustomers valuable time previouslyspent on household choresABB to acquireSiemens lowvoltage NEMAmotor businessABB announced today it has signed anagreement to purchase Siemens’ low voltageNEMA motor business. With manufacturingoperations in Guadalajara, Mexico, thisacquisition provides a well-regarded productportfolio, a longstanding North Americancustomer base, and an experienced operations,sales, and management team. The businessemploys around 600 people and generatedrevenues of approximately $63 million in 2021. Page | 04INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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Financial terms of thetransaction were notdisclosed. The transactionis expected to close in thesecond quarter of 2023.This transaction is part ofthe Motion business area’sprofitable growth strategy,and it will allow the NEMAmotors division toenhance its productoffering, expand its supplychain relationships, andimprove support to itsNorth American customerbase. It also offers theopportunity to bettersupport the customers inMexico with localmanufacturing and sales.ABB expects to benefitfrom identified synergies,and to use the R&Dexpertise, supply chainrelationships, and marketaccess to bring thecombined portfolio to itsfull potential.- Tarak Mehta,President ABBMotion“This bolt-onacquisition createsstrong value for ABB’sNEMA motors division.said. Investing in thebusiness andopening up salesopportunities in NorthAmerica andespecially Mexico willallow this business tobe margin accretiveto the ABB Motionbusiness within 24months.”- Jesse Henson,President of ABB’s NEMAmotors division“We have long appreciatedthe quality and design ofthese motors. Now that wehave met the leadershipteam behind them, I ameven more confident thattogether we can grow ourcombined businesses fasterthan either of us could alone.We look forward to addingthe Siemens low voltageNEMA motor portfolio to ourexisting offering of ABB andBaldor-Reliance® industrialelectric motors.”The global NEMA motor industry, roughly $2.7 billion in size, comprisesindustrial electric motors primarily used within North America. NEMAmotors are essential components used to run equipment in industriessuch as food and beverage, oil and gas, mining & aggregate, andwater & wastewater and in applications like those which move air,liquids, and units.Emerson’s Majority Owned Subsidiary,AspenTech, Announces Agreement toAcquire Metals and Mining SoftwareLeader MicromineAcquisition will further AspenTech’sdiversification into metals andmining market through end-to-endsoftware providerEmerson’s majority owned subsidiary,AspenTech, announced it has entered intoan agreement to acquire Micromine, anend-to-end mining software provider. This acquisition will build on AspenTech’s leadingsoftware portfolio, furthering its diversificationstrategy into the metals and mining market andfacilitating the digital transformation andsustainability goals of the industry.Page | 05INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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Iberdrola has begun construction in the UK of the EastAnglia Three offshore wind farm, which will have acapacity of 1,400 megawatts (MW), enough to supply1.3 million homes with clean energy, more than thepopulations of Liverpool and Glasgow combined.This new facility, located off the coast ofNorfolk, near the London metropolitanarea, will form part of the East AngliaHub macro-complex, together with thefuture East Anglia One North and EastAnglia Two developments. This hub isthe Iberdrola group's largest initiativefor this technology in the world and willinvolve an investment of £6.5 billion(around €7.7 billion) for the installationof 3,000 MW, which represents 6% of the50 GW offshore wind energy target setby the UK government for 2030.The new farm is in addition to the onealready operated by the companythrough its subsidiary ScottishPower inthe same area, called East Anglia One,with 714 MW, capable of producingrenewable energy for 630,000 Britishhomes.Construction work on this plant, whichis expected to start production in 2026,has begun on the ground. The initialphase will focus on the installation inthe county of Suffolk, in collaborationwith Siemens, of the onshore substationthat will connect the park to theNational Grid electricity grid and thecable route, awarded to NKT.East Anglia Three will cover an area ofup to 305 square kilometres and willrequire the installation of more than ahundred new generation wind turbines,which will be up to 247 metres high, theequivalent of two and a half times thesize of Big Ben (96 metres).The transaction with AspenTech, which closed in May2022, accelerates Emerson’s software strategy anddemonstrates commitment to build a higher growth,more diversified and cohesive portfolio. This proposedacquisition of Micromine is an example of howEmerson and AspenTech will drive growth throughcontinued investment and M&A.Micromine, headquartered in Perth, Australia, offerssolutions relevant to every step of the mining processfrom exploration, evaluation, design and planningthrough production and optimization. Micromine’ssolutions are used at over 2,000 sites across all majormining regions.Following AspenTech’s completion of the proposedacquisition, Emerson will continue to be a 55%shareholder in AspenTech.Iberdrola startsconstruction of the1,400 MW East AngliaThree offshore windfarm in the UKPage | 06INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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This major electricityinfrastructure will alsoinclude four offshoresubstations, an offshoreplatform to house theoperations accommodationand four submarine cablesfor exporting the energyproduced by the wind farm,located 69 kilometresoffshore, to the coast.The construction of the EastAnglia hub will provide asignificant boost to the UKand European offshore windsupply chain and will createup to 7,000 jobs.THE COMPANY'SSEVENTH OFFSHOREWIND FARM IN THEWORLDEast Anglia Three willbecome the company'sseventh offshore wind farmin operation. The group hasalready commissionedWest of Duddon Sands (195MW) in the Irish Sea;Wikinger (350 MW) inGerman waters of the BalticSea; and East Anglia ONE.The company also currentlyhas three other largeoffshore facilities underconstruction. In France, it ismaking progress on theinstallation of what will beits first large offshore windfarm in the country, Saint-Brieuc, which, with acapacity of almost 500 MWand an investment of 2,500euros, will generate enoughclean energy to meet theelectricity consumption of835,000 people, once itcomes into operation in2023.In the United States,Iberdrola is building whatwill be the country's firstcommercial-scale windfarm, Vineyard Wind 1(806 MW), off the coastof the state ofMassachusetts, with aninvestment of some €2.5billion. This facility will beable to meet the energyneeds of more than400,000 homes and willprevent the emission ofmore than 1.6 milliontonnes of CO2 per year.In Germany, the grouphas started to build itssecond major offshorewind initiative in thecountry, after Wikinger.The 476 MW wind farm,called Baltic Eagle, will beable to meet thedemand of 475,000homes and avoid theemission of almost onemillion tonnes of CO2into the atmosphereeach year. The companyalso plans to develop athird marine project inthis area: Windanker(300 MW).Together, the threerenewable facilities willgive rise to the largestoffshore wind complex inthe Baltic Sea, with atotal installed capacity of1,100 MW and acombined investment ofapproximately €3.5billion.OFFSHORE WINDPOWER, KEY TOIBERDROLA'SGROWTHJust as the Iberdrola group pioneeredthe development of onshore windpower more than two decades ago, thecompany is now leading thedevelopment of offshore wind power,one of the keys to the company'sgrowth, on which it began itscommitment 15 years ago. Thus, of the 7,000 MW of wind powercurrently under construction or securedwith long-term contracts (PPA), morethan 5,500 MW (78.5%) correspond tooffshore projects. This technology hasalready contributed 30% of the group'snew installed capacity at the end of thefirst half of the year. Focused on countries with ambitiousrenewable targets, the company has asignificant portfolio of projects inGermany, Japan, Sweden, Ireland,Poland, Taiwan and the Philippines, theUnited States and the United Kingdom.In the coming years, Iberdrola willinvest around €30 billion worldwidewith the aim of reaching 12,000 MW ofoffshore wind energy in operation by2030.Page | 07INSIGHT OUTINSIGHT OUT

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ABB’s Ultrafast DC and Fast DC EV chargers will support thenew GRIDSERVE Electric Highway charging network across theUK. This comes as both companies seek to drive the adoptionof electric vehicles, especially by making charging easier andmore accessible. GRIDSERVE’s Electric Highway will includecoverage for 85 percent of the UK’s motorway network, as wellas in towns and cities across the country.The resulting increased energy demand focuses attention onrenewable energy and grid stability – and this is another areain which ABB technology is delivering sustainable solutions inthe UK. One example is a £25 million “Greener Grid Park”scheme, which is currently in the final stages of construction,and will increase the amount of green energy being usedthroughout Liverpool. ABB is supporting Statkraft, Europe’slargest generator of renewable energy, in the project withtechnology, operations and long-term maintenance services.The London E-Prix will also hostan FIA Girls on Track event, ofwhich ABB is global partner. FIAGirls On Track offers girls aged 8to 18 the opportunity to exploremultiple aspects of themotorsport industry through arange of activities andworkshops. One of these willfocus on ABB Robotics andfeature the GoFa collaborativerobot.Ahead of the London E-Prix, ABBhas released a new video in itsseries as part of the company’spartnership with FIA Girls onTrack. Featuring Hannah Brown,Formula E Chief of Staff, the videoexplores her views on theincrease in women in engineeringroles in the sport and theimportance of closing the gap inbelief she feels potentially stillexists with young girls.Following London the ABB FIAFormula E World Championshipmakes its debut in Seoul, SouthKorea, for the final two rounds ofSeason 8 on August 13 and 14.Page | 10TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTPage | 09

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LONGi Provides 9MWp PV Modulesto Pekat Solar at Proton MalaysiaLONGi, the world leading solar technology company headquartered in Xi’an, China, has suppliedPekat Solar with 9MWp high-efficiency solar modules. The project is invested and owned by MFPSolar and executed by Pekat Solar, a leading solar investor & EPC in Malaysia.The 9MWp project is installed at Proton Tanjung Malim car manufacturing plant, it is now thelargest car canopy in Malaysia. Covering a land area of 23.4 acres, Proton’s motor pool car parkprovides parking spaces for 2,880 cars and is used as a transit point for cars produced at TanjungMalim prior to being distributed to dealers and outlets nationwide.TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTPage | 10As the project investor, MFP Solar provided aCAPEX-free solution for Proton to save on theirutility payments and enhance low-carbonimage for corporates.LONGi provided its Hi-MO 4 bifacial modules tothe project, the system is expected to generateup to 25% of the power consumption at its plant,reducing around 11 tons of carbon emissions peryear.the decreasing cost of solar energy generated isproviding a sound investment opportunity forcommercial and industrial owners in the region.”“We are happy to have cooperated with PekatSolar in achieving a remarkable project.” DennisShe, Vice President at LONGi Group,commented,” LONGi aims to provide highefficiency products to help corporates fulfill theirlow-carbon commitments, and continue toprovide great value for partners around theglobe.”Mr. Goh Chin san, Director of MFP Solarcommented: "We are proud to complete such alandmark project in Malaysia, and happy to seea conglomerate like Proton values solar PV,

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Borusan EnBWEnerjicommissions138 MegawattSaros wind farmJoint venture now has a totalrenewable generation capacity ofaround 720 megawattsAfter approximately over a year of construction, thecommissioning of 27 GE Cypress turbinescompleted the full commissioning in June 2022.With the addition of 138 MW, the wind farm willmeet the energy needs of 200,000 householdsannually, thus contributing to the reduction of267,000 tonnes of CO₂ on a calculated basis.Borusan EnBW Enerji, based in Istanbul, wasfounded in summer 2009 as a joint venturebetween EnBW and the Turkish company Borusan.The aim of the joint venture is to build upgeneration capacities in the field of renewableenergies in Turkey. With the expansion that hastaken place, EnBW and Borusan now havegeneration plants with a capacity of around 720megawatts in operation in Turkey, including mainlyonshore wind plants, but also a hydroelectric powerplant and two solar parks. The joint ventureoperates wind farms with a total capacity of 666MW, making it one of the leading companies in theTurkish onshore wind power market.TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTPage | 12Karlsruhe/Istanbul. The German-Turkishjoint venture Borusan EnBW Enerji, in whichthe partners EnBW and Borusan each havea half share, has fully commissioned theonshore wind farm Saros - with a capacityof 138 MW one of the largest wind farms inTurkey.

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With a focus on enhancing hydropower’srole as a grid stabilizer to support otherrenewables assets coming online, GEResearch, the technology developmentarm for the General Electric Company(NYSE: GE), has been awarded a 30-month, $4.3 million project through USDepartment of Energy’s Water PowerTechnologies Office to improve both theoperating capacity and flexibility ofhydropower assets.A multi-disciplinary team of engineersfrom GE Research will work with GERenewable Energy’s Hydro business, andtwo major hydro plant operators, EagleCreek Renewable Power, and FirstLightPower, to outfit three plants with minimalsensors and other tools to enhance theexisting operational flexibility by moreeffectively ramping electricity generationup or down with their hydro assets. Arvind Tiwari, Advanced TechnologyPlatform leader in the Electrical Systemsgroup at GE Research and PrincipalInvestigator on the project, says thepioneering approach will allow hydroplant operators to unlock previouslyuntapped flexibility to help address thetransition to a more renewables-intensive grid.Tiwari said, “Hydro power today already is the mostflexible and dispatchable renewable resource, but thegrowth of other variable renewables, such as windand solar, will require it to become even more flexibleand keep the grid in balance, especially as othertraditional forms of base load generation come offlineor retire. We believe this can be accomplished atminimal cost and disruption by outfitting hydro plantswith sensors and other tools that allow hydro units toexpand their capabilities.”Tiwari added, “Working together with Eagle CreekRenewable Energy, and FirstLight Power, we will havethe opportunity to demonstrate our methods in threegrid connected hydro plants.”GE Bringing Instrumentation to“Flex” Hydropower’s MuscleEagle's Creek's High Rock hydro facility in North Carolina,and pictured below is FirstLight's Stevenson GeneratingStation in Connecticut. Both are among the Eagle Creekand FirstLight facilities being considered for the flexiblehydro project demonstrations.“We are very excited to work with ourinstitutional partners to help find new waysto enhance hydropower’s already criticalcontributions to the fight against climatechange. Hydro’s flexibility is vital to ourefforts to create a cleaner, moresustainable energy future, ensuring that thegrowing renewable sector is both reliableand resilient.” - Justin Trudell, CEO of FirstLightTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTPage | 13

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Guillaume Rudelle, seniorhydro product manager atGE Renewable Energy, saidthis project is in lock stepwith the Hydro businesses’staunch commitment toadvance more affordablesolutions that can be widelydeployed and harness theuntapped flexibility potentialof the existing hydropowerfleet.Tiwari explained that a keyobjective of thedemonstration is to showthe increased flexibility andoperating capacity of hydroplants with existingcomponents, withoutcompromising the life ofplant equipment. Certainhydro plants were initiallydesigned for stable,constant operations withlimited flexibility. The GE Research teambelieves that with moredata and great visibility ofplant behavior, they canintroduce more variabilityin operations such as fastramp ups of hydro unitswithout compromising thelife of their components.GE Research’s hydro plantpartners, FirstLight andEagle Creek RenewableEnergy, each havesignificant hydro footprintsin the United States.FirstLight’s portfolioincludes nearly 1400MW ofpumped-hydro storage,hydroelectric generation,battery storage, and solargeneration in the NewEngland region. Eagle CreekRenewable Energy ownsand operates 86hydroelectric facilitiesacross the U.S, and GERenewable Energy’s hydrobusiness has one of thelargest installed basesglobally— 400GW ofturbines and generators—totaling 25% of the world'shydro capacity.“As we continue todecarbonize ourelectricity system,hydropower canprovide significantsystem benefits toaccelerate thetransition to acleaner grid. Thisresearch project is acritical step inidentifying noveland cost-effectiveways to unlockinghydropower’s truepotential.”- Joze Sayas, EagleCreek’s Sr. AdvisorAs part of the $4.3 million project($3 million from the DOE, $1.3million in cost share from GE andits project partners), Tiwari said theGE team will look at a variety ofoperating scenarios, including thecombination of batteries withhydropower and operationalimprovements for pumped storagehydropower.“As the nation movesthrough the energytransition, we will need tointroduce more resiliencyand flexibility into the gridto handle the changesthat are coming,” Tiwariconcluded. “Hydro is akey renewable asset andtool for not onlyproducing more clean,renewable electricity, butserving as a stablepartner in welcomingother renewablesgeneration to the mix aswell.”- Arvind Tiwari,Advanced TechnologyPlatform leader at GEResearchPage | 14TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTTECHNOLOGY & PRODUCT

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Intersolar North America andEnergy Storage North AmericaNow Accepting Applications for2023 Solar Games CompetitionIntersolar North America (ISNA) andEnergy Storage North America (ESNA),the industry’s flagship solar + storageevent, is now accepting applications forthe third annual Solar Gamescompetition to be held February 14-16,2023, at the Long Beach ConventionCenter in Long Beach, California.Applications to compete are openthrough September 2, 2022.The Solar Games, the industry’s firstinstaller competition, tasks teams withbuilding residential solar + storagesystems live in the #isnaesna23exhibition hall. Taking place in a custom-built stadium, the bracket-styletournament features multiplecompetitive rounds where teams gohead-to-head installing solar modules,racking, inverters, and battery storage.Teams are scored on a point system forquality, safety, speed, and other criteria.The winning team from each roundadvances until the final-round winner isnamed Solar Games Champion—andawarded a $10,000 cash prize.Popular solar + storage installerteam competition will take placelive at the Long BeachConvention Center from February14-16, 2023Application Details :Installation teams from across the United Statesare invited to apply to compete. To qualify, allteam members must be OSHA 10 certified, and oneteam member must be NABCEP certified (or alicensed electrician).New for 2023, each team will be provided with$2,000 to help cover travel/lodging expenses.The 2023 Solar Games Champion will receive$10,000; second- and third-place finishers willreceive $3,500 and $2,500 (respectively).A six-member advisory board of clean energyleaders helps develop and oversee thecompetition. Board members includerepresentatives from K2 Systems, ReVision Energy,Rolls Battery Engineering, Twende Solar, Institutefor Building Technology & Safety, and SolarCowboyz.Sponsor-provided equipment will be donated toTwende Solar upon completion of the competitionfor use in projects that empower under-resourcedcommunities with renewable energy systems. Atthis time, equipment sponsors include ElectriqPower, K2 Systems, JinkoSolar, and Rolls BatteryEngineering. Interested companies areencouraged to contact the Solar Games Salesteam for more details.Page | 16GREAT OPPORTUNITYGREAT OPPORTUNITY

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Not ready to apply just yet?Interested parties areencouraged to use thisonline form to connect withevent organizers anddiscuss how they canparticipate in the 2023competition.Intersolar North America andEnergy Storage North America isthe premier US-basedconference and trade showfocused on solar, energystorage, and EV charginginfrastructure. Dedicated toaccelerating the energytransition, the combined eventdelivers actionable education,invaluable networking, and animmersive exhibit hallexperience. Learn more aboutattending or exhibiting at ourFebruary 14-16, 2023 event inLong Beach, CA online and“The Solar Gamescelebrate the talentand camaraderieamong solar +storage installationprofessionals. Thetwo-daytournament is ahighly anticipatedand well-attendedpart of our annualconference andexpo, unitingattendees,exhibitors, press,and speakerswithin the expo hallfor a thrillingcompetition. Wecan’t wait to seewhat happens in2023.”- Wes Doane,Event Director,Intersolar NorthAmerica andEnergy StorageNorth AmericaDiversified Communications isa leading international mediacompany with a portfolio of in-person exhibitions andconferences, onlinecommunities, and digital andprint publications. Asproducers of these market-leading products, DiversifiedCommunications connects,educates, and strengthensbusiness communities in over15 industries including:renewable energy, healthcare,natural and organic, food andbeverage, and technology.Established in 1949 andheadquartered in Portland,Maine, USA, with divisions andoffices around the world,Diversified Communicationsremains a privately held, third-generation, family-ownedbusiness. For moreinformation, visit: Involved with theSolar GamesAbout Intersolar NorthAmerica and EnergyStorage North AmericaAbout DiversifiedCommunicationsGREAT OPPORTUNITYGREAT OPPORTUNITYPage | 17

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Sempra Foundation, founded by Sempra,and GRID Alternatives announced thecompletion of multiple solar energyinstallations designed to help provideaccess to clean renewable power forenvironmental and economic justicecommunities in northern Baja California,Mexico. The solar installations serve asonsite power sources for severalorganizations including Rancho de losNiños, an orphanage near Ensenada, andYMCA Menores Migrantes, a youthmigrant shelter in Tijuana. Organizationshave seen electricity cost reductions ofup to 50%, allowing funds to bereallocated to critical needs that are nottypically covered by donations.Sempra Foundation and GRIDAlternatives Advance Energy Accessfor Orphans and Migrant Youth inMexico"Having personally visited oneof the orphanages and themigrant shelter recently, I wasable to witness first-hand thetremendous impact that thesesolar installations have had onthe dozens of children whoreside at both locations. Energyis foundational to progress,and by providing thesechildren with cleaner, moreaffordable, more reliableenergy, precious resources cannow be spent on medicine,books and other importantnecessities, helping to shape abetter future for all."- Molly Cartmill, chiefstewardship officer ofSempra FoundationSempra Foundation provided $200,000 in funding forthe projects as part of its year-long collaboration withGRID Alternatives to install grid-tied solar energysystems at seven locations: two orphanages, twoIndigenous residential communities, a health center, amigrant center, and a hospice serving individualsexperiencing homelessness and living with HIV/AIDSand tuberculosis. GRID Alternatives will also providesupport with equipment maintenance and operationover time."The impact of the installation of solar panels has beensomething that transcends our daily costs. Because thereality of what we've seen in the past few months is thatour electricity costs have been significantly reduced,"explained Valeria Ruíz Griego, general coordinator ofYMCA Menores Migrantes. "And now we can use thatmoney for other needs that aren't covered bydonations, like food, hygiene products and clothing forthe boys and girls."Given the success of this project, Sempra Foundationplans to collaborate with GRID Alternatives on a secondphase of solar installations. Phase two is expected toinclude more than 140 kW of solar energy and batterystorage systems at nine different locations benefittinghundreds of residents and community members acrossBaja California, Mexico.SUCCESS STORYSUCCESS STORYPage | 19

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We see strong development in the wind sector, and weexpect this growth to continue with the increaseddemand for renewables as part of the energy mix.Additionally, countries in Asia Pacific are becomingdevelopment hubs for the wind industry. For instance,India is now a favorable investment destination as itgains traction in the sector. Similarly, countries likeJapan, Korea and Vietnam have also announced plansto install new wind energy farms by 2030. Schaeffler is well-positioned to leverage theseopportunities due to our system understanding and awide portfolio of bearing solutions and conditionmonitoring systems for the wind industry. In addition, ourpreload measurement system for wind systems,PREMESY, won the Smart Technology Innovation of theYear at the ASEAN Wind Future Awards 2021.Mr. Alfred Lee joins Schaeffler as President Industrial AsiaPacific, bringing nearly 30 years of experience in theprocess and automation industries. Alfred will be incharge of the company's expansion across severalindustrial sectors in the Asia Pacific area, including two-wheelers, off-road, rail, aerospace, raw materials,industrial automation, and power transmission.Mr. Alfred Lee President Industrial Asia PacificInnovation for us includes havingforward-looking collaboration with ourcustomers. Through closecollaboration and cooperation, we candevelop and offer new, holisticsolutions tailored to address specificcustomer requirements and needs.1. How do you see this industry in motionevolving in the next 5-10 years?2. How would you defineinnovation in your field?3. What are some of theachievements you’re mostproud of in your career thusfar?What I value most as a leader arepeople, strategy, and growth. In theseaspects, I am proud to build a strongand performing team and developacomprehensive short-term and long-term strategy that acts as a road mapto double the business in 5 years.3. What are some of theachievements you’re mostproud of in your career thusfar?The first would be growth. We sawstrong business growth in 2021and areputting plans to continue the stronggrowth in 2022.The second is our focus on Industry 4.0.We will scale our existing Industry 4.0product portfolio to expand ourIndustry 4.0 competence. Globally wehave partnered with leading industryleaders and companies to build anetwork of innovation and excellencein developing digitalization andindustry4.0 solutions. This includesdrive train 4.0, machine tool 4.0,comprehensive condition 22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 20

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monitoring solutions and predictivemaintenance for wind power. Wewill also continue to expand ouraward-winning conditionmonitoring system OPTIME in theregion.The third is to enhance ourlocalisation strategy. As a globalcompany with a local presenceworldwide, we work closely with ourcustomers to develop solutionsthat fulfil their unique requirementsand needs at the local level. Tofurther refine our competitive edge,we are strengthening our regionalmanufacturing footprint andexpanding our local developmentto improve our service level to ourcustomers in Asia Pacific.At Schaeffler, we areinvesting in developingstack technology forelectrolysers in producinggreen hydrogen. We seerobotics as another areathat will make an impact.Robots are now designedto become smaller in size,with lighter weight andincorporating moresensors to be morehuman and makeintelligent and accuratedecisions. This will drivethe growth incollaborative robots(cobots). As the leadingsupplier for high-qualityand performancecomponents and systemsfor robots, Schaeffler iswell positioned for thisgrowth.In addition, Industrial 4.0technologies will play ahuge role. As factories andplants become smarter,more machines andprocesses can bemonitored usingintelligent data analytics,contributing to predictivemaintenance. We willcontinue to expand ourportfolio of conditionmonitoring products thatcan be connected to acloud-based system toenable remote monitoring,thereby reducing the needfor manual or physicalmonitoring.5. How do you anticipatethe global economicoutlook impacting yourindustry?Supply chain disruptions, theglobal chip shortage, and portbottlenecks are some of thechallenges that will continue tocreate headwinds in the next fewquarters. Likewise, we expect thehigh inflation for raw materialsprices will lead to a profit squeezein the industry. Therefore, we aretaking a cautious and calibratedapproach towards the entire valuechain by working with ourcustomers to develop creative andcollaborative solutions inovercoming these challenges.6. Which industriesare expected to growin the coming years?Industrial automation looks tobenefit from the ongoingdemand for semiconductors.We are also starting to seethegrowing adoption of roboticsand industry 4.0 technologieswhich are significant trendsdriving growth in this sector. Inlight of this, we are scaling ourexisting Industry 4.0 productportfolio and working closelywith our customers indeveloping value-addeddigitalized systems andsolutions. We recently startedthe rollout of our award-winning condition monitoringsystem OPTIME in the region.On that same note, theincreased demand for cleanenergy such as wind, solar, andhydrogen provides furthergrowth opportunities.7. What are the topthree technologies inSchaeffler you thinkwill have a hugeimpact in the next fiveyears?Hydrogen offers significantpotential as green energy ofthe future. 22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 21

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Mr. Eugene NgVice Presidentof Strategy andBusinessDevelopment1. What are some of the mostimportant factors to considerwhen formulating asustainability plan?When formulating a sustainabilityplan, businesses should firstunderstand their footprint. Only aftergrasping their environmental impact,can companies understand whatchanges need to be made. Withbetter knowledge of which parts oftheir value chain contribute the mostsignificantly to carbon emissions,companies can set realistic,achievable targets in these areas.Another important factor to considerwhen formulating a sustainabilityplan is the need to account for thelong run and potential changes inindustry circumstances. Companieshave to understand that changesand developments in the industrymay occur along the way, as suchthere is a need for the sustainabilityplan to account for this.In all that we do,NatSteel strives to bea company that isforward-thinking andwe are constantlylooking for new waysto improve thesustainability andeco-friendliness of ourprocesses. NatSteelkeeps abreast ofdevelopments in theindustry, and we arekept up to date ofupcomingtechnologies whichwe can implement inour practices. With allthese in mind, we canbe sure that anysustainability plansthat we formulate arefor the long-term andcan be carried outrealistically.3. What do you think is thebiggest barrier toachieving a sustainablefuture?Globally, steel is inextricablylinked with economic growthand prosperity and it hasenabled our modern way ofliving. However at the sametime, the steel industry has ahuge environmental impact, interms of carbon emissions andthe amount of resources steelproduction takes up. Steelproduction requires theutilisation of a large amount ofenergy and water.However, the extent ofenvironmental impact dependsgreatly on the type oftechnology used in steelproduction, and this technologyhas improved throughout theyears. We have been using anelectric arc furnace which ismore environmentally-friendlycompared to blast furnacetechnology.2. What would your approachbe to helping NatSteelnavigate theseconsiderations?22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 22

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4. How will Natsteel maintain itscompetitiveness despite being the onlysteel mill in Singapore and that to sayfacing a very strong competition in thisregion?In Singapore, NatSteel is focusing more on value-add services, in line with the Government’s pushfor integrated digital delivery in the constructionsector.The Building Information Modelling (BIM), is atechnology that improves productivity andintegration across various stakeholders along theentire construction value chain. Our BIMspecialists collaborate closely with stakeholdersto produce BIM rebar requirements in a 3D modelof the construction project. With accuratereinforcement information, this will improve thecycle time in the planning process and reduceerrors.We also rolled out NiCE(NatSteel IntegratedCustomer Experience), a portal for our customersto make orders, view real-time delivery scheduleand a cloud-based document portal, similar toany internet banking portal you use today. Thisdigital transformation allows customers to cutback on paper usage, get real time information,access to digital documents and helps to pushSingapore towards being a more sustainableconstruction space.At the moment, NatSteel has an establishedpresence across Southeast Asia, with facilities inSingapore, Malaysia and Thailand. We are lookingto strengthen our presence in each of thesecountries first, before expanding into othercountries. This will be done by improving andupgrading our facility production capacities andfurther streamlining our processes to make oursteel production process cheaper and moreefficient. We are also hoping to lead the industry inmaking the switch towards moreenvironmentally-friendly processes, first withinthe region and then worldwide.5. How do you intend to expand yourcompany's customer baseinternationally?6. What have been the key challengesfor NatSteel in recent years?NatSteel is also constantly looking for how elsewe can save power and energy, and how wecan run more efficiently. Using our electric arcfurnaces as an example, one of the mainresources that we need is electricity. At thesame time, the cost of electricity is muchhigher in Singapore than in most other parts ofthe world. Yet, we have to be competitiveagainst other steel mills, hence this hasbecome one of the driving forces for us to findways on how we can make steel in a cleanerand cheaper way.Another challenge is getting customers tomake the switch to Grade 600 and cleanermaterials. With most of the construction thathappens in Singapore, there lacks a significantdifferentiation between the use of green steeland other conventional steel. We have beentrying to increase the demand for green steeland shift our customers towards its use, andare still currently in the midst of doing so.22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 23

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Marcelo TarkieltaubRegional Director South East Asia Rockwell Automation1. In your opinion, what is the role ofaugmented reality in remote workforcesolutions?In mid-2020, Rockwell Automation sawrising customer demand for ARsolutions to reduce their reliance onworkers’ on-site presence, whileallowing employees to work seamlesslyacross different geographies. At thesame time, demand cycles for bothconsumer and industrial products haveshortened, meaning that businessesneed flexible manufacturingenvironments that allow them to retooland produce alternate products atshort notice.AR solutions can solve twosignificant challenges:First, manufacturers can swiftly andeasily gain access to colleagues andtechnical experts in different markets tohelp them pivot production outputs aswell as troubleshoot machinery andprocess issues without restriction.At the same time, AR can be incrediblyuseful in training new workers in highlyspecialized fields. Almost every sectoris facing a talent crunch, due in part toa generation of mature employeesretiring. Traditional classroom trainingmethods are also less popular withyounger workers. To avoid losing yearsof legacy knowledge, AR can bedeployed to remotely train workers onplant floors and remote sites.Marcelo Tarkieltaub has been appointed as RegionalDirector, Southeast Asia. Based in Singapore, Tarkieltaubwill be responsible for sales and business operationsacross Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines,Thailand, Pakistan and Vietnam, as well as drivingstrategic growth for Rockwell Automation in Asia Pacific.With over 20 years of experience at Rockwell Automation,Tarkieltaub was most recently Regional Director, SouthernCone, a portfolio within the Latin America region coveringthe markets of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguayand Bolivia. Tarkieltaub has built and developed severalhigh-performing teams, leading the execution of keyregional growth strategies for the business.2. How can augmented realitytransform cyber security byenabling more immersivetraining for employees?Augmented reality (AR) is going to redefine the future ofthe workplace. The pandemic resulted in mass, andseemingly overnight, transition to remote work amidtravel bans and social distancing measures.Page | 2422 MINUTES22 MINUTES

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3. What are yourthoughts on newtechnologies that couldhelp boost safety in theindustry, such asblockchain?Upstream availability anddownstream demand aremore volatile than ever.Globally, the shortage ofsemiconductorcomponents has extendedlead time formanufacturers acrossevery sector. Organizationsneed greater accuracy inplanning project cyclesbecause projects thatwere previously completedwithin a couple of monthswill likely take significantlylonger, owing to materialdelays.Amid a labor crunchacross developed marketsaccess to engineeringtalent remains highlycoveted. A company mighthave access totechnological solutions butlacks the expertise todeploy these tools tooptimize projects. HowRockwell Automationworks with customers tomeet this demand is byestablishing closelyaligned, long-termpartnerships to supportorganizations with boththe technology solutionsand skilled talentnecessary to achieve theirbusiness goals.AR-based remote services andcommunications tools aretransforming the way we work in anencrypted and secure way. Forstarters, AR allows for moreimmersive training for remoteworkers, removing the need forthem to be physically present in thesame room.Its use cases extend far beyondcybersecurity – AR is really moreabout ensuring the safety of ourplant workers instead of enhancingsecurity although that certainly ispart of the curriculum for allreputable manufacturers.One example of AR’s benefits is thatit enables remote experts to helpon-site personnel perform thecritical tasks and maintenancerequired to recover from downtime.For example, equipment-manufacturer intelligence can bestreamed directly to an engineer’sdevice, even as maintenance staffat other plants help with thediagnosis.Mixed-reality devices also helpfrontline employees to safelyassemble complex products, byequipping them with real-timeproduction data and instructionsrequired while performing the task.Simulation tools enable engineersto map equipment layouts andstudy any impact changes onproductivity and throughput.Another use case is how machinebuilders can monitor installedbases of equipment from anywherein the world by viewing a digitaltwin of the entire productionprocess via virtual reality (VR). Byanalyzing real-time data frommachinery, they can alertcustomers to maintenancerequirements and warrantyrenewals.Again, not just limited tosafety but more generally,the evolution of cloud, edge,and software is going totransform the future ofmanufacturing, especially aswe move towards Industry5.0. The great cloudmigration is going totransform the wayautomation runs, allowing formore agility and bandwidthto accommodate expansionplans.Building on cloud allowsorganizations to break intothe next frontier ofinnovation, opening up newpossibilities includingartificial intelligence (AI)native operationmanagement. Instead ofrelying solely on physicalinfrastructure, which is costlyto build and maintain, digitaltwin solutions allowmanufacturers to virtuallysimulate the plant in anoffline environment beforeconstruction begins. Asproduction commences,engineers can run what-ifscenarios to test agility,identify inefficiencies, andoptimize output asproduction progresses.4. What are thebiggest challengesthat you fore see inthe coming years inregard oftechnologicalindustry?22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 25

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Mr. Russell Chan, Deputy Principal ofNgee Ann Polytechnic1. How do you think that the future willimpact robotics development inSingapore?such as fetching supplies andenablestaff to spend more time on areasthat require the human touch. In theconstruction sector, automation isidentified as a key enabler to improvesafety and resiliency.Robotics development will continue togrow and will increasingly play a part insolving national challenges.Mr. Russell Chan is the Senior Director (Schools &SkillsFuture) at Ngee Ann Polytechnic based inSingapore. He interests in corporate strategicplanning, organisation development and culture,industry collaborations for education and skillstraining, innovation and technology solutioning,SkillsFuture and Continuing Education & Training(CET), and operations and business processimprovements.As Singapore realises its vision of a Smart Nation andwith an increased focus on sustainability, there will bea greater reliance on robotics solutions to increaseproductivity, improve energy efficiency and enhancequality of life.The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the demandfor robotics applications in many industry sectors inSingapore. For example, more companies areleveraging robotics to enforce safe distancingmeasures or carry out disinfection and cleaning work.In areas such as healthcare, robotics can come intofree up manpower from laborious tasks2. With the increasingautomation trend, what aresome of the skills that will bemost in demand in the future?With the advancement of coretechnologies such as sensors,communication systems, displays andcloud computing in recent years,engineers with skills in developing robotoperating systems, cognitivevision/machine vision and cloudcomputing will be in high demand.3. Could you please Share anexample of a successful productlaunch that you led at one of yourprevious startups?This year, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) andSing Health Polyclinics collaborated todevelop a disinfection robot called HIRO,which stands for Healthcare AssistiveRobot for Frontline Infection Control.Jointly developed by NP’s School ofEngineering, School of Health Sciences,School of Life Sciences & ChemicalTechnology and Sing Health Polyclinics,HIRO uses UV-C light – which caneliminate more than 99.9% of bacteriaand viruses – to disinfect high-touch andhard-to-reach places remotely andindependently.Page | 2622 MINUTES22 MINUTES

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22 MINUTES22 MINUTES4. What are the challenges of implementingrobotics technology in our society, and howdo you plan to address these challenges?Another challenge is the high cost ofimplementing robotics solutions, assignificant investments are required at theprototyping and deployment stages. Tohelp reduce costs, we intend to developmore multifunctional robots so as toensure that each robot’s capabilities aremaximised to its full potential.In addition, the smart robot also doubles up as a safemanagement ambassador to safeguard publichealth, boosting productivity in a polyclinic setting.HIRO serves as the first point of contact for patientswhen they enter the polyclinic for their temperature tobe taken. It can detect visitors and patients who arenot wearing masks or following safe distancing rules,and display location information. It also acts as amobile directory to show patients and visitors the wayto the different service points in the polyclinic. Theseautomated functions allow the polyclinic to deploy itsmanpower more efficiently and safely. The robot iscurrently on trial at Tampines Polyclinic.One main challenge is the shortage of skilled roboticstalents who are equipped to implement roboticssolutions. Recognising this need, NP has launched aSpecialist Diploma in Robotics Engineering with SGInnovate. Learners can look forward to acquiringessential skills and knowledge in machine learning,computer vision 3 and coding, and have the uniqueopportunity to participate in a traineeshipprogramme called Power XRobotics. Thiscomprehensive programme includes a 3-monthintensive robotics course conducted by the RRICfollowed by a 6-month attachment to a roboticscompany. This part-time full-qualification course willstart in April 2022.5. What are the benefits ofrobotics technology in oursociety, and how do you plan toaddress these benefits?We firmly believe that robotics technologymust bring about improved safety,increased productivity or improvedquality. We envisage robots being calledupon to perform high-risk tasks,unconstrained by time, fatigue or stress,and delivering outcomes at the desiredquality and consistency.To this end, NP’s RRIC will focus ondeveloping service robots (SRs),autonomous vehicles (AVs), autonomousunderwater & marine vessels (ROVs) andunmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) forindustry and national needs, coveringapplications on land, sea and in the air.Page | 27

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Mr. Lock Kai SengProfessor Singapore Instituteof Technology1. Do you think it is feasible to have a 100%Renewable Energy-based ElectricitySystem in Singapore in the distant future?Despite this, Singapore can still encouragethe adoption of a more renewable energy-based electricity system by importingrenewable electricity from regional powernetworks to access energy that is cost-competitive. This could be realized throughbilateral cooperation or regional initiatives.The idea of regional power grids entailbuilding transmission lines that connectSingapore to its neighboring countries thatare currently producing renewable sourcesof energy through solar and wind. Byconnecting power plants and customersacross Southeast-Asia, there is greateraccess to more energy options that meetswith our collective energy needs. Professor Lock Kai Seng is a Professor of SingaporeInstitute of Technology. He received Ph.D. degrees inElectrical Engineering from University Of Strathclyde,United Kingdom. In 2005 he took responsibility asChairman, Accreditation Committee for EnergyServices Companies (ESCO) at National EnvironmentAgency (NEA) until now and then in 2015 he appointedas Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Singapore CertifiedEnergy Managers Scheme until now. He has more than46 years of electrical industry experience. Then in 2016he joined Singapore Institute of Technology as aProfessor.It does not seem feasible now, or anytime in the nearfuture, for Singapore to have a 100% renewableenergy-based electricity system. Singapore's limitedphysical land mass prevents the installation of largefacilities to deploy major renewable energy sourcessuch as wind energy and photovoltaic solar energy.2. What exactly is driving the callfor sustainable or “green”buildings these days? In additionto the continual rise of energyprices, quality of life issues in theworkplace, such as indoorcomfort, lighting, and air quality,are increasing in importance. The World Green Building Council definesa “green” building as a building that, in itsdesign, construction or operation, reducesor eliminates negative impacts, and cancreate positive impacts, on our climateand natural environment. A fewcharacteristics of green buildings include:efficient use of energy, water and otherresources; use of renewable energy, suchas solar energy; use of materials that arenon-toxic, ethical and sustainable; adesign that enables adaptation to achanging environment, and more.22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 28

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Therefore, we need to strike abalance between keeping oureconomic vibrancy, while ensuringour energy security, andsafeguarding our environment.The EETC aims to help companies, inparticular small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) through energyconsultancy services, discover andimplement energy efficiencyimprovement measures, and buildup local industrial energy efficiencycapabilities. This will help us h inch astep closer to becoming a moregreen and smart city. In Singapore, today, the majordriving force behind the call forsustainable or “green”buildings are:- Government policies andregulations such as theBuilding & ConstructionAuthority (BCA) requirementsfor green buildings- Financial incentives for GreenBuildings entail lowered lifecycle cost through inherentenergy saving processes,lowered operations andmaintenance.- Green Buildings areincreasingly desirable tomarket demands, as business& commercial tenants seek toenhance corporate image byhaving an office in a greenbuilding. - Green buildings meetcorporate social responsibility(CSR) of stakeholders asorganizations are associatedwith being socially responsiblethereby bolsteringorganizational image.- Green buildings enhance thequality of the workplaceenvironment, as comfort,lighting and air quality bringsabout improved productivity.4. What are the majortechnical challengesSingapore is facingtoday in the path ofachievingsustainable energygoals? There are two majortechnical challenges thatSingapore face today inthe path of achieving itssustainable energy goals. Firstly, Singapore’s limitedphysical land mass limitsthe installation of largefacilities that deploy majorrenewable energy sourcessuch as wind energy andphotovoltaic solar energy.Secondly, althoughSingapore can importlarge amounts ofrenewable electricity fromregional power networks,being a small island statemakes us prone to highenergy prices due to theabsence of proper policiesand practices surroundingenergy security. 5. What are your projectionsfor the program's (EETC)future?For the EETC, the program is lookingto continue delivering andexpanding on:- Conducting low cost high qualityassessments for manufacturingSMEs, and expanding this process toSMEs from different industrial sectorsbeyond manufacturing; - The training programme to includenew graduates from differentuniversity programmes, as well asmid-career professionals looking totransit into the energy efficiencyindustry. This will build up the talentpipeline for energy efficiencyprofessionals;- Providing training for existingprofessionals aimed at building uptheir confidence and skills in energyassessments, through theestablishment of a regional trainingcentre that focuses on training andresearch in the field of energyefficiency.22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 29

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Brian Bynre CEO Siemens EnergyAsia Pacific1. Brian, you have been in Asia forsome years now, tell us how farhas the energy industrytransform in Asia, particularlyAsean?It is true that coal presently remains a significant fuel,while coal and gas are still the choice of fuel for theregion’s energy mix. In future however, the use of coalwould reduce significantly in importance of the energymix, and possibly be phased out in gradualapproaches and replaced by other sources, includinghydrogen as an emerging resource. Hydrogen ispromising as the pillar of the future energy industry,but what’s equally important is for us to bring the costdown, and to make it a cost-effective and reliablesolution. We are very excited to see countries likeJapan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam riding a lot moreon renewable energy sources these days and Australiabeing really big on hydrogen as well.The idea that non-wastage of energy can also beregarded as a cost-effective pillar of a low-carboneconomy. This is because it reduces the need forcapital intensive investments in the electricity sector.For this reason, the “Energy Efficiency First” principleshould be underpinned by a politically agreed upon,binding ambitious energy efficiency target. At thesame time, the policy should be technology neutral: sothat it would be the role of the market players to findthe best and most cost-efficient solution to reach thetarget. I do believe that it will also take clear incentivesfor investments to take off in energy efficiency, such asvia public R&D support schemes or tax credits.Having been living in Asia for more than 8years, I can see a lot of growth potentialfor ASEAN countries. For Asia Pacificalone, the growth in energy demand isprojected to increase by 80% to 22,245TWh in 2040 from 12,327TWh in 2018. Theindustry transformation has been on arapid rise in keeping up with the dynamicmarket needs, especially as we see howopportunities are shifting fromconventional methods like coal andnuclear to Having been living in Asia formore than 8 years, I can see a lot ofgrowth potential for ASEAN countries. ForAsia Pacific alone, the growth in energydemand is projected to increase by 80%to 22,245 TWh in 2040 from 12,327TWh in2018. The industry transformation hasbeen on a rapid rise in keeping up withthe dynamic market needs, especially aswe see how opportunities are shiftingfrom conventional methods like coal andnuclear to gas and renewables in future.2. Amid rapid economic growth,ASEAN is faced with at least 50%rise in regional energy demandwithin a decade. This bringschallenges in supplying energyaffordably, sustainably andsecurely. Which energy is themost cost-efficient for thisregion?3. Which 3 key challenges for digitaltransformation on the energy sectors?22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 30

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5. Which country in Asia has so faradapted to this digital transformationand which industry is that? Whichcountry in Asia has so far adapted to thisdigital transformation and whichindustry is that?In Asia, countries like Singapore and Vietnamare moving rapidly on the digital bandwagon.The Singapore government, for example, isaccelerating the country's development andvision towards a smart nation by advocatinginnovative technologies to drive andencourage businesses. In Asia, countries likeSingapore and Vietnam are moving rapidlyon the digital bandwagon. The Singaporegovernment, for example, is accelerating thecountry's development and vision towards asmart nation by advocating innovativetechnologies to drive and encouragebusinesses. Meanwhile, Vietnam is alsodeveloping rapidly and has outlined its aim tobecome a digital society by 2030. The digitaleconomy is also projected to make up some20% of the country's GDP in future.i) The decarbonization of the economy.All stakeholders will need to align on thetechnological and economic feasibility of a futurelow carbon energy system. This would involve rollingout low-carbon emitting technologies to theutilization of Power-to-X applications to drive thedecarbonization of the economy forward. At thesame time, we will need to look into the balance ofenergy systems between fossil fuel and renewableenergy while meeting the increasing energydemand.ii) Cybersecurity.The second challenge is cybersecurity, which will bea key concern because customers would like toknow the risks and exposure involved when havingtheir data and assets stored in the Cloud or server,also the network security and vulnerability to bebreached. At Siemens Energy, cybersecurity is atopic close to our hearts as we aim to create afuture energy system in a safe and secureenvironment and improve the efficiency of our ownprocesses and service delivery.iii) The Cost and Law of Nature.The cost and law of nature are factors that may alsoimpede any chance to jump on the digital journey.Companies would be keen to know if thetechnological investments they are making areworth the money and time spent, while the law ofnature would mean that digital tools andapplications have to be able to safeguard theinfrastructure, the health of assets and the frontlinecapability.22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 31

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Any switch, any change to possibly alternativeenergy will require funding, regardless of thescale. The return on investment might notcome immediate but from companiesprospective it is also the social and economicresponsibility which needs to be taken intoconsideration. It starts as I indicated beforewith each individual human being, no matter ifwithin the private household or the companyenvironment. On contrary, relying on thetraditional energy sources such as oil and gasis not sustainable as we all know in the longrun, so switching and starting renewableenergy discussions is not a choice but adestination.Today, alternative energy usage inmanufacturing is still rather limited. A standardanswer is not possible as a lot of developmentdepends on country by country policies,subsidies and green energy drive from a politicalprospective. You may see selected solar panels,aim for carbon neutral food prints etc, however toensure a sustainable energy future, use ofrenewable energy sources and technologiesneeds to be scaled up not only for electricitygeneration but also in the end-use sectors ofbuildings, transportation and the industrialusage itself. Renewables could grow to around30% of total final energy consumption for globalmanufacturing by 2030, assuming theavailability of low-cost and sustainable biomasssources as well as reduced capital costs foremerging technologies.2. Which type of energy do you thinkshould be developed in the future?1. What innovative alternative energysources are used in manufacturing?This question of course depends a lot on theregion we are looking at. If I answer this questionfrom an ASEAN viewpoint, i personally wouldfavor a lot the solar energy. Easy to install,mature and a proven technology. As the region isblessed with a lot of nature light and sun,installing solar panels on each industrial buildingor roof tops of buildings shouldn't be too complexand difficult. I would still however point back tothe point of energy saving rather to develop anew technology. If each individual would start toassess how he/ she could save energy on a dailybasis we would have a huge lever for a greenfuture. This question of course depends a lot onthe region we are looking at. If I answer thisquestion from an ASEAN viewpoint, I personallywould favor a lot the solar energy. Easy to install,mature and a proven technology. 3. It is a big investment to switch toRenewable Energy ? Which part ofour life/ industry should start withthis shift first?4. There are many sources ofrenewable energies, from wind, solar,biomass to tidal, which energy is themost sustainable in terms of qualityand cost efficiency for a country likeSingapore?There are many sources of renewable energies,from wind, solar, biomass to tidal, which energyis the most sustainable in terms of quality andcost efficiency for a country like Singapore?With almost 12 hours of sun every day, I stronglysee the solar industry as a vast possible option.Alternative wind generation offshore could be aconsideration as well.Carsten HaeckermHead of AsiaPacific IgusPage | 3222 MINUTES22 MINUTES

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Thanks to smart plastics your equipmentruns continuously and maintenance costsare reduced. Improved safety is anadditional benefit. Since our market launch we have seennumerous implemented solution acrossmany industries. E.g. an automotive partssupplier uses smart plastics from igus forits indoor gantry cranes, whichautomatically handle engine blocks; alarge gantry builder decided to implementigus smart plastics sensors into the energysupply system as a standard, enabling theclient condition monitoring systemremotely with data 24 hours just to mentiona view.Igus is the first few manufacturers that started andstrongly promoted the trend of i4.0 smart plastics,which industry so far has adopted this technology?Please share some success stories. The igus® isensefamily consists of various intelligent sensors andmonitoring modules. They measure wear duringoperation and alert the user in advance to schedulerepairs and replacements. The igus® communicationmodule (icom) makes seamless integration intoyour IT infrastructure possible. This allows scenarioslike continuous monitoring or automated triggeringof in-house maintenance.An optional connection with the igus® data centerincreases your options: individual lifetimeoptimization and faster operational processes likeautomated scheduling of external maintenancecrews or ordering of spare parts. 5. Igus is the first few manufacturers that started and strongly promoted thetrend of i4.0 smart plastics, which industry so far has adopted this technology?Please share some success stories.22 MINUTES22 MINUTESPage | 33

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MINTROBOT is a domestic robot manufacturing companywith high level in-house technology. They manufacturerobot arms that are essential for the automated process ofthe 4th Industrial Revolution. We produce robot productsfor the automation process through two lineups. They alsore-developing the Pal L (Life) series of ultra-low-cost servicerobot arms that can change lifestyles in the form ofcompanion robots that interact with humans.Suresofttech Co. is small but strong and the onlyenterprise in the nation for inventing independenttechnology in software testing automation field; theyprovide test automation tool and verification software forsoftware safety verification in Mission-Critical industryfield.www.suresofttech.comRobot World Indonesia Trade Missionhttp://www.mintrobot.comTWINNY, a company specializing in autonomous drivingrobots. s a company that makes daily life more convenientbased on self-driving technology. Twinny is a developer ofautonomous navigation software, focusing on providingmobile.TWINY is taking the lead faster than anyone else sothat everyone can experience the self-driving robot servicethrough self-driving robots and platform services .twinny.aiNeuromeka is working together to improve the productivity ofthe manufacturing process, expand the stability of F&B services,and open up new possibilities in the culture and art industrythrough various uses of collaborative robots. Neuromekasupports automation for small and medium-sized manufacturersusing easy-to-use and economic cobots.

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Hills Engineering Co., Ltd. is a technology company thatstrives to realize a healthy life through technology. Itprovides next-generation 'AI' + 'Robotics' technology thatanyone can use for customers such as logistics centers,distribution stores, airports, hotels, and hospitals who wantto introduce intelligent robots, distribution and logisticsrobots, it plays the role of an integrated system providerthat encompasses operation/post-management rather thansimple robot manufacturing.http://hillslogis.comExarobotics has Korea's largest AI robot platform that can beutilized in logistics, industry, and everyday life that work byadvanced sensor and autonomous driving inside and outside thebuilding with delivery and collection robot, serving robot thatcan replace waiters, intelligent virus sterilization robot, cookingrobot that automatically cooks according to recipe, and laundrycollecting robot. As the robot service R&D company, has grown steadily with our customers bychallenging new technologies based on many engineeringexperineces experiences in industrial lasers and applyingthem to equipment and develpoping them. was established in 2013 and has long-standing ITbusinesses such as IT consulting and SI systemestablishment, ISP information strategy, and video solutiondevelopment. In particular, They are developing softwarefor real-time transmission, collection, and management ofimage information, sensor information, locationinformation, and geographic information. Scan for more information

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T A I P E I I N T E R N A T I O N A LP L A S T I C S A N D R U B B E RI N D U S T R Y S H O WT A I P E I N A N G A N GE X H I B I T I O N C E N T E R ,T A I P E I , T A I W A N0 1 O C T 2 0 2 2G I T E X G L O B A L 2 0 2 2D U B A I W O R L D T R A D EC E N T R E , D U B A I , U N I T E DA R A B E M I R A T E S1 0 - 1 4 O C T 2 0 2 2OctoberI N D U S T R I A LT R A N S F O R M A T I O N A S I A -P A C I F I C – A H A N N O V E RS I N G A P O R E E X P OC O N V E N T I O N A N DE X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E , S I N G A P O R E1 8 - 2 0 O C T 2 0 2 2G L A S S T E C H A S I A A N DF E N E S T R A T I O N A S I A2 0 2 2M A R I N A B A Y S A N D SC O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E ,S I N G A P O R E2 6 - 2 8 O C T 2 0 2 2T A I T R O N I C S 2 0 2 2T W T C N A N G A N GE X H I B I T I O N H A L L ,T A I P E I , T A I W A N2 6 - 2 8 O C T 2 0 2 2S H A N G H A II N T E R N A T I O N A LF U R N I T U R E M A C H I N E R Y& W O O D W O R K I N GM A C H I N E R Y F A I RN A T I O N A L E X H I B I T I O NA N D C O N V E N T I O NC E N T E R , S H A N G H A I ,H O N G Q I A O 0 5 - 0 8 S E P T 2 0 2 2P U M P S & V A L V E S A S I A2 0 2 2Q U E E N S I R I K I TN A T I O N A L C O N V E N T I O NC E N T E R ( Q S N C C ) ,B A N G K O K , T H A I L A N D1 4 - 1 6 S E P T 2 0 2 2A S E A N S U S T A I N A B L EE N E R G Y W E E K 2 0 2 2Q U E E N S I R I K I TN A T I O N A L C O N V E N T I O NC E N T E R ( Q S N C C ) ,B A N G K O K , T H A I L A N D1 4 - 1 6 S E P T 2 0 2 2E L E C T R I C & P O W E RI N D O N E S I A 2 0 2 2J A K A R T AI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P O ,K E M A Y O R A N , I N D O N E S I A1 4 - 1 7 S E P T 2 0 2 2SeptemberT H E 1 2 T HI N T E R N A T I O N A LE X H I B I T I O N F O RE Q U I P M E N T , F O O D ,B E V E R A G E S & S E R V I C E S B A L I N U S A D U AC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R( B N D C C ) , B A L I ,I N D O N E S I A2 2 - 2 4 S E P T 2 0 2 2NovemberR O B O T I C S A N DA U T O M A T I O NE X H I B I T I O NC O V E N T R Y B U I L D I N GS O C I E T Y C O V E N T R Y ,A R E N A R E T A I L P A R K ,C O V E N T R Y , U K0 1 - 0 2 N O V 2 0 2 2P L A S T I C I N D U S T R YS H O W - M O S C O WE X P O C E N T R E , M O S C O W ,R U S S I A0 1 - 0 3 N O V 2 0 2 2M E T A L E X ( M A C H I N ET O O L S &M E T A L W O R K I N G )E X H I B I T I O N 2 0 2 2B A N G K O KI N T E R N A T I O N A L T R A D E& E X H I B I T I O N C E N T R E( B I T E C ) , B A N G K O K ,T H A I L A N D 1 6 - 1 9 N O V 2 0 2 2DecemberM A L A Y S I A I N T E R N A T I O N A LP L A S T I C , M O U L D & T O O L SE X H I B I T I O NM A L A Y S I A I N T E R N A T I O N A LT R A D E A N D E X H I B I T I O NC E N T R E , K U A L A L U M P U R ,M A L A Y S I A0 1 - 0 3 D E C 2 0 2 2S H A N G H A II N T E R N A T I O N A L A U T OA I R - C O N D I T I O N I N G &T R A N S P O R TR E F R I G E R A T I O NE X H I B I T I O NS H A N G H A I N E WI N T E R N A T I O N A L E X P OC E N T R E ( S N I E C ) ,S H A N G H A I , C H I N A0 1 - 0 3 D E C 2 0 2 2H A R D W A R E & H A N DT O O L S E X P OS A I G O N E X H I B I T I O N A N DC O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R ,H O C H I M I N H , V I E T N A M0 1 - 0 3 D E C 2 0 2 2I N T E R N A T I O N A LC O N F E R E N C E O NM E C H A N I C A L A N DA E R O S P A C EE N G I N E E R I N GR A D I S S O N B L U , A B UD H A B I Y A S I S L A N D , A B UD H A B I , U A E0 2 - 0 3 D E C 2 0 2 2A U T O M A T I O N F A I R 2 0 2 2B E C , G O R E G A O N ( E ) ,M U M B A I0 7 D E C 2 0 2 2E V E N T C A L E N D A RE V E N T C A L E N D A R

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