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1-1 Meeting with Korean Robotics (Report)

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Presented By : Orange Media Group/ Daara

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What is 1-1 Meeting?With the world in lockdown, companies arestruggling to find ways to expand their business. Oursolution is a one-stop shop for connecting Koreanmanufacturers to business owners andentrepreneurs overseas. We offer online 1-1management meetings, allowing businesses toeasily connect with potential partners and identifynew opportunities for growth. We've already helpeddozens of companies grow their networks andexpand their businesses in spite of the pandemic -join them today and start growing your business!Online and Onsite BusinessManagement MeetingsPresented By : Nicc

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3August 2022PROJECT TIMELINE WITH KAR5 Outreach Project with KAR with the highest recorded March 20211 24 5November 2021September 2022October 2022108 Online Meetings33 KoreanManufacturers10 Days1608 Lead Genearation 54 Online Meetings 16 Korean Manufacturers10 Days892 Lead Generations 45 Onsite Foreign Buyers153 Onsite Meetings at Robotworld 4 Days1 Mou Signed with KAR 3 Mou Meetings with 3 Foreign Associations5 Foreign Associations Invited toRobotworld Official Trade Mission to Indonesia56 Onsite Meetings with IndonesiaBuyers8 Korean Manufacturers1 Day3 Company MOU1 Association MOU230 Lead Genearations 150 Online Meetings47 Korean Manufacturers 10 Days1326 Lead Generations

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1-1 MeetingProject(March 2021)108 Online Meetings33 KoreanManufacturers10 Days1608 Lead Genearation

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1-1 Meeting Project(March 2021) Report

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1-1 MeetingProject(November2021)54 Online Meetings 16 Korean Manufacturers 10 Days892Lead Generations

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and more1-1 Meeting Project (Nov 2021)

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1-1 Meeting Project(November 2021) Report

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1-1 Meeting Project(August 2022)150 Online Meetings47 KoreanManufacturers 10 Days1326 Lead Generations

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1-1 Meeting Project(August 2022) Report

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Trade Mission to Indonesia andMOU Signing and Onsite Meetings56 Onsite Meetings 8 KoreanManufacturers 1 Day3 Company MOU1 Association MOU230 Lead Generations

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1-1 Meeting Project(Onsite Meeting @Robotworld 2022) 45 Onsite Foreign Buyers153 Onsite Meetings atRobotworld 4 Days1 Mou Signed with KAR 3 Mou Meetings with 3Foreign Associations5 Foreign AssociationsInvited to Robotworld

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MOU Arrangement and Signing3 AssociationsMeeting1 MOU Signing withMYAIRA

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and moreBuyers and Participants (Online +Onsite) 90% Business Owners and 10% Management Level

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Participants coming from countries

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WORK FLOW ROADMAP9Stage 12For onsite meetings/trademissions, venue auditing,budgeting, administrativework, accommodationauditing, transportationreadiness, and localitinerary planning arenecessary.1810Stage 1Stage 11Stage 13Research /Translation/Presentationmaterial in locallanguagesPreparing and setting upmeetings, calling possiblecompanies and organizationsfor Memoranda ofUnderstanding (MOU) andpotential collaborations, andhaving onsite meetings;communicating and linkingcompanies together.Post-show reports andtranslations of materialsare necessary for auditand marketing purposes.2711Stage 2Stage 10Stage 14Website intro/EDM/ BookingSystem Receiving guests,managing transportationfor meetings and events,visiting facilities, onsitemeetings, signingdocuments, translating,and ensuring that allinformation is legally safefor both parties.Managing overseas visits toRobotworld, writing letters ofinvitation for visaapplications, coordinatinghotels to transportation inKorea, providing local notesfor visitors, and assisting atembassies should any requireit.3612Stage 3Stage 9Stage 15Social MediaMarketing/Collecting OrganicEnquiries/Advertising -Linkedin andFacebook / LeadGenerationNetworking andvisitingfacilities/meetingwith local neutralcompanies can givesound ideas andopinions aboutdoing business inthe country.Onsite businessmatching coordinatestranslators/auditorsand provides reporting.It also provides onsiteaudit andreimbursement toforeign companies andcultural activities forforeign visitors.413Stage 4Stage 16Calling and QualifyingLeads , Making surethat Participants aremanagement andhave intention tomake sincere contact/buying with KoreancompanyWrapping up all audit reports andpost-show activities. Assistingforeign visitors with their post-business matching activities duringRobtoworld. Ensuring that VIPs aremade known to the highermanagement in KAR. Wrapping upthe event with reports and audits.5Stage 5Pre meeting andonline /onsitemeetingarrangement andscheduling1-1 Meeting Project

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Thank you for your interest and attention,we look forward to work closely with youand your team.Contact UsContact : Kim Woo Kyeom +82 10-3375-5684 Nicole Chong +65 96357089